bad habit

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meetmebehindthemallimagine your best friend stopstalking to you for seven years andthen just randomly messages you with an "imy"

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imagine your best friend stops
talking to you for seven years and
then just randomly messages you
with an "imy"

for the last time, I was going
through it back then, stop bringing
it up.

no 🫶🏻

Falling in love with your best friend is NOT what you should do. At least, that's all that Augustine Finley heard for her entire life. Her mother was adamant that falling in love with your best friend would only create pain and problems — Augustine Finley never thought she would relate to it. Not in the slightest. At least, that was until Dick Grayson flipped his way into her life and right into her heart. See, Dick Grayson was an anomaly she had never seen coming. A factor in problem she never planned on, something she didn't expect to pop up. Augustine Finley never worried about falling in love with her best friend because she didn't have one, and then she turned nine and this angry-at-the-world boy gets adopted by her mother's former best friend. And suddenly she has a best friend who she's showing the ropes of how to survive in a wealthy society.

Suddenly she has a best friend that she could end up falling in love with.

A best friend that she does fall in love with.

And a best friend who shows her exactly everything her mother had warned her for years. Someone who had her heart without even knowing it and yet was still able to break it. Augustine Finley learned that lesson the hard way — don't fall in love with your best friend and think that they'll be there for you no matter what. Because they'll flake on you eventually. They always do (or maybe Augustine was just being pessimistic because of Dick Grayson and what he did to her). Lesson for anyone out there: don't stop talking to your childhood best friend because you have feelings for them and don't want to admit it. It only causes more problems (case and point: losing your best friend). Then again, Augustine learned another hard earned lesson: don't start dating other people when you have feelings for someone else.

That never works out well either.

Morals of the story: don't fall in love with your best friend, don't stop talking to your best friend because you have feelings for them, don't start dating someone else when you have feelings for your best friend, and most of all, don't text your former best friend "imy" and try to act like everything is normal.

starting a list of how many children
bruce wayne has fucked up, spoiler
alert it's surprisingly large

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