~Chapter 28~

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Hayden's art studio is a huge den and at first sight, it might even seem like we were walking into an established studio. A renowned one at that. Though that's not actually much of a case since it's built in the corner of a deserted street. When I'd asked him about it, Hayden replied to me that he prioritizes his solitary and peace more than his green bills. It was then I had realized that artists worked magic when left alone in their own world.

As soon as we crossed the threshold of the studio, my eyes fell on the sleek plaque above which read - 'Hayden's Art Studio'. In fact, this studio still goes with the tagline I'd come up with during my internship test. "Hayden's Art Studio. Splash and Dance, Switch on the Stereo."

This place's biggest selling point is its stress free room which attracts all kinds of despondent people and sometimes even the ones who are just looking for some fun. The reason why I had come up with that tagline plus it had actually worked for me.

Walking inside completely, my eyes landed on the receptionist, Keeley, who recognized me immediately. I waved at her with an amiable smile and she returned it with one of her own.

"Valerie!" I looked up to see Hayden grinning at me with his arms wide open.

With my hand still in Skye's, we both walked toward him. "Hi, Hayden." My expression mirrored his.

"Long time no see, girlie but… I know why you're here," Hayden said knowingly and looked at Skye briefly. I hugged him and patted his back before pulling away.

Of course he would. Everybody knew me with the way my image was being trashed around almost everywhere. I sighed and gave him a forced smile. "Yeah." Was my curt reply.

"Now that I look at you, I am actually starting to wonder that nothing ever pulled you to come here? Except for that one time, of course." Hayden laughed, ruffling my hair. He might be in his late thirties but he sure as heck acts like a teenager with his dark hair tousled carelessly and his blue eyes always holding a mischievous shine. I could tell that getting older never bothered him.

I chuckled and glanced at Skye who was sporting an awkward smile. "Oh, and he's Skye. Skye, this is Hayden," I introduced them to each other.

They both shook their hands and exchanged common pleasantries. Hayden looked at me hopefully. "So… I'm guessing art therapy then?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows with rapture.

"You know it!" I clicked my fingers as if he just guessed the mystery of the black hole.

Skye gave me a look which clearly meant that he didn't like to be left out of the loop. "Art therapy? What's that exactly?" Skye whispered once Hayden started walking ahead. We followed closely behind him. "Weren't we going to the stress reliever room or something?"

"You'll see," I repeated with a smirk and he shook his head with a small smile. It might be officially termed as an 'Art Therapy' but in my words, I still call it a stress reliever room. But it didn't matter much since it pretty much meant the same anyway.

Hayden led Skye and I both into two seperate rooms to gear ourselves up before taking us into the art therapy room. 

It took us about twenty or something minutes to change into complete white overalls given to us along with the gloves, shower caps and socks. Not a single inch of our body was left uncovered except for our faces. The most difficult thing for me was to put on the jumpsuit on my own but somehow I managed it with the help of one of the female staff members.

After getting ready, I met Skye who was waiting for me with a small scowl directed toward his outfit. One word - ridiculous. We both looked ridiculous but the next part of it all was already bubbling me with an untamed excitement.

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