Chapter 7

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"Mom has cancer stage 4.." I couldn't hear anything. I felt the world stop in that second I felt everything disappear I felt numb like this was all a bad dream that I will wake up soon that this was all a fantasy.... But it was reality. I couldn't breath I felt sick. Something I never thought would happen... I feel down to my knees and started to scream and cry. I couldn't believe it.... I was numb I didn't know what to feel. My heart dropped to my stomach. My head throbbed. I was going to lose my mom the person I loved the most was not going to be with me anymore.

I felt hands around my waist that pulled me to there chest I didn't care who it was I was going to lose her.

After everything I was going through I didn't expect this to happen I guess karma is a bitch but why me why me why her take me instead no her!!!!!!!!!

"Cesar your going to be ok love!" It was Enzo I couldn't stop it hurt to much.

"She's going to be taken away from me THERE GOING TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!!!! Why her why not me!!!!!!" I was mad and in pain.

"Don't say that there is a reason on why this is happening"

"She's a good woman I don't understand!" I was sobbing my eyes burn my heart ached I felt trapped.

• • •

I went to my parents house to change and take a shower.

I went to the bathroom and got naked. I turned on the shower where I put it all the way to hot. I got in.

I was sitting there letting the hot water run down my numb body, because it was all the way on hot it Sting but I didn't care.

I was probably there for an hour crying on why the world was so evil. I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Cesar are you ok" I couldn't speak I didn't feel like speaking.

"Cesar?!" The person on the other side of the door started to get worried but I didn't care I just sat there and cried.

Next thing you know someone opens the door and come towards me.

"Are you fucking crazy do you want to kill yourself.?" It was Enzo he turned off the water I was still on the group with my knees up to my chest crying.

"Hey everything will be ok!" He's eyes soften and comes to hug me. If it was me in this situation a couple of weeks ago I would have told him to leave me alone to get the hell out. But I didn't I just wanted him to comfort me and hold me in his arms.

After a few minutes sitting there and hugging each other he took a towel and wrapped me around it before picking me up bridal style.

He took me to my bed and went to my closet to come out with a pair of grey sweatpants and a black cropped shirt.

He put them on me at first he hesitated but it wasn't the first time he saw me naked if you know what I mean.

Wink wink

At that moment I felt like a paralyzed person who could do anything for themselves. He moved me back to my bed and got me under the covers he got in with me and hugged me until sleep to over me...

I felt good to sleep

To let the pain go away for a few hours before feeling it again

Next morning————————————

I woke up a lot calmer I moved to my side and felt someone's hand on my waist. I look over to see who it was until I saw......... Enzo

"Ahhhhhh" I rolled over and fell off my bed.

I heard chuckles and that could only mean it was coming from Enzo.

"It's not funny!"

"You fell...."




"Off the bed" before laughing loudly.

I got off and hit his arm.

"Get out and why the hell are you even doing here?"

"Do you really want to know?" He went from laughing his ass off to being serious.

"What happened?..."

"When you got home from the hospital... you went up stairs and got in the showers. 1 hour past and you weren't downstairs I got worried so I went to your room and knocked.. I didn't hear anything so I knock again.... Nothing. I went inside and there you were extremely hot water running down your body your eyes puffy red your knees up to your chest. I got you out and to you to your bed dressed you and put you in the covers I lead down and hugged you until you feel asleep. Then I feel asleep."

Wait so your telling me he saw me miserable and naked???!!!!!

"Wait you saw me naked!?"  What it's not everyday you see someone naked and miserable.

"Uh ya I didn't do anything if that's what your worried about I just got you dressed and put you down to sleep I thought maybe you going to sleep will take somethings out of your mind  and relaxed more." Ok you have to admit that was sweet but I wasn't going to tell him that.

" ... thank you?" It came more out as a question then an answer.

We sat there in silent before he spoke.

"I should probably go."

Did I want him to leave?


Would I tell him that?


All I could say was "ok"

I saw him leave before I could get out and get ready.

I didn't want to be in bed all day and be miserable so I got up took a shower and did some simple makeup.

I wanted to be comfortable so I picked an outfit that was reasonably yo wear in public.

I wanted to be comfortable so I picked an outfit that was reasonably yo wear in public

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I got out and went down stairs where I saw my brother and Enzo. It smelled divine. It was my brothers famous pancakes.

My favourite.

"Hey boys!"

"Hey Cesar how you holding up?" Luis asked.

"Ok I guess." Really not wanting to continue this conversation and by the looks of it Luis understood what I was trying to point out.

I looked at Enzo for a few seconds before realizing that he turned his head to look at me i turned around quickly.

I could feel his gaze burning right through me. But I just brushed it off.

I ate my pancakes in peace and decided that I wanted to go see my mom.

Even deep down I know I would start tearing up again but I had to go

I really had to go...

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