❁house by the sea

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"'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do,
And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,
It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you are fireproof,
'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do"

❁house by the sea

Metilda woke up to an absolutely clean house. Every room was vacuumed properly. The pills that had been scattered on the bathroom floor were neatly arranged in a pile on the counter. Metilda walked into the bathroom and threw the pills into the trash. They weren't effective anymore. Her back still ached last night. She was going to ask the doctor for a higher dose.

Pulling the light pink robes closer to her chest, she made her way to the kitchen. To her very surprise, the kitchen was sparkling, the dining table was absolutely cleared of the plates and food from last night.

To her shock, John was making pancakes. He whisked the batter in a blue bowl and ladled a spoonful of batter onto a steaming pan.

Yesterday, when Metilda had seen Jannet take John's hand and take him to her car, she didn't think he would come home. Yet here he was, handsome, freshly shaved face, hair combed to one side. In a forest green t-shirt and khaki shorts, he looked stunning.

Though Metilda never loved John for his physical appearance, she still adored his attractiveness.

"John," Metilda briefly glanced at the wall-clock. It was nearing to eight-thirty in the morning. He usually left by eight. "Aren't you going to work?"

When John's eyes met Metilda's, he was breathless. There was a dull ache in his chest. She is alright, she is alright. But every time John closed his eyes, he would see Warren pointing a gun in Metilda's direction.

He tightened his grip on the mixing bowl. He want to hug her so badly. "No, I'm taking the day off."


"I thought I might." He hesitated for a second. "Spend the day with Louis and you. We could go to the beach or something?"

"This isn't part of the deal."

John averted his eyes. "I know why you have that deal. I know you want Louis to think we're a happy family and there's no better way to prove it than a small outing."

"Louis has school today,"

"No, school was cancelled for the investigation. They want to make sure that the school is absolutely safe."

Metilda knew school was cancelled. She just wanted to get away from John. Only God knows, how much more her heart can take.

"Aren't you going to help in the investigation?" John wanted to laugh for a moment. It felt as though Metilda was interrogating him.

"I think I've done enough already."

She stared at him for a moment then turned her back to walk away.

But before she could set a foot outside the kitchen, John had wrapped his strong arms around her. Metilda dug her hands into his shoulder, her head buried in his shoulder. They stayed like this for a long time. Both their eyes were welled with unshed tears.

"Are you okay, Metilda?" He whispered, unwillingly he moved back.

She nodded.

"I still care for you,"

"Of-course, you've grown attached." Her eyes were stormy. "One can grow attached to a dog."

Horrified, John took a step towards Metilda. "You're not a dog,"

I sure feel like one Metilda thought. This time as she left him, John didn't stop her.


Ocean waves fell upon one another. The beach was fairly empty, considering the slight chill of spring and it was a Tuesday. The sand felt nice under her bare feet as Metilda, John, and little Louis of five walked along the shoreline.

"Daddy," Louis who stood between his parents, his hands linked with theirs. "I grow up, I have a big house here."

"No, Louis. It is when I grow up, I will have a big house here." Metilda automatically corrected him.

John ruffled his hair with his free hand. "And so you will."

Louis beamed at his parents. "Really?"

John leaned down to Louis's level. "If you work hard, you will have all that you dream."

"Louis will work hard," He spoke with determination.

"Good boy." John kissed his cheek then he rose and kissed Metilda's cheek. It was quick but it was enough to make Louis squeal with happiness.

"In my big house, I will live with mommy and daddy."

This time Louis spoke with perfect grammar and suddenly, Metilda felt as though she wasn't needed anymore. It was a strange motherly kind of fear but it was overpowered by the joy of her son and her husband finally bonding.






Note: Be careful what you wish for (my advice to you ;) ). I love the comments you guys leave. Really make want to keep updating 12th kiss every day.

I'd say we're more than half way through. ahhhhh

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