Chapter Thirty Four

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I went straight to him and his gaze fell on me before giving me a big smile. "My love, you are still aw-" I didn't let him finish his sentence.

I slapped him. Like really really hard while the blonde gasped. I didn't wait to see his reaction, I turn back and ran up the stairs with Nick trailing behind me.

"Belle." He called out but I didn't stop and ran inside the room before slamming the door right on his face. Take that.

"Belle fucking open the door." He started banging on the door but I choose to ignore it. He can gladly fuck off.

"Belle, baby open the damn door. Its not what you think it is. Let me explain it to you." He pleaded while I sat down on the bed and laid down.

"Well, I'm sleepy now and I won't open the door so, you may go and sleep with that blonde." I said loud enought for him to hear and I heard him sigh loudly.

"I'm not moving from here Belle. Open the fucking door." He replied.

"Good luck sleeping on the cold floor cause I'm not opening the door." I closed my eyes with a bitch smile on my face.

"I'll count up to three and if you don't open-"

"Oh keep your threat to yourself Ivanov and go to sleep. I'm tired because of all the crying and being worried about you the whole night and I have no energy left to walk there and open the door for you." I said and turn towards his side before grabbing his pillow and hugging it inhaling his scent.

Even if he is not here, atleast his pillow is.

I took a deep breath and was about to sleep when I heard the jiggling of the keys and my eyes shot open. I sat up and saw Nick entering the room smirking at me before locking the door.

I cocked my eyebrows at him and he stopped in his track before smirking and taking off his shirt and I gulped staring shamelessly at his toned body. Damn you hormones.

"W-what are you doing Nick." I asked as he walked closer and closer until he was right infront of me. He crawled up to me before leaning in.

"I've been very patient with you baby. But now I can't. I can't control it anymore. You need to be punishment." He whispered before biting my ear lobe and I released an unexpected moan.

At once, he pressed me down on the bed with him hovering over me and my cheeks heat up.

He took my top off and instantly started plating wet kisses down my neck before stopping at one sensitive place and I whimper. He started sucking there while his hand moulded my breast and I arch my back in pleasure.

"Nick." I moaned his name and he let out a growl. His eyes turned dark with lust and desire as he stare at me hungrily making me want him more.

"Tell me to stop Belle." He lean in and whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. Instead of replying I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me.

"Don't stop." I whispered before planting a kiss on his jawline. He didn't need to be told twice. He made love to me the whole night. By the time he was done with me it was already five in the morning and I was sore and drain out.

He planted a kiss on my forehead before pulling me into his arms. "Sleep Belle." He whispered and before I knew, I was out as light.

When I woke up, it was already 11 and Nick was no where to be found. I sigh and stood up from the bed before going inside the bathroom and taking a warm bath.

I slipped into my sweat pants and a tops that say's 'Fuck Off'. I could hear people laughing in the kitchen as I walk down the stairs and walk towards the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Nick making something while Lou was laughing at something Gino said while that blonde from last night was staring shamelessly at my husband.

"Good morning, Rose." Gino was the first one to notice me and wish me with a big grin and I smiled at him.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Lou said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Good morning Gino and you too Lou." I replied before walking towards Nick who grinned at me and wrapped his arms around me before kissing me.

I sat down beside Gino and Nick placed a plate full of food infront of me.

"Are you going to eat that all. Alone." That blonde asked and I cocked my brows at her.

"Do you have any problem with that?" I asked and Lou snickered.

"No. But if I were you, I won't eat that much." She said before sipping her coffee. Did she just-

"Unlike you, I don't want to starve myself and my child to death. So, yeah kindly keep your opinion to yourself." I shot her a fake smile and she glared at me.

Nick cleared his throat and that bitch after realising he was in the same room, she started to play the victim. "I was just jocking. You don't have to be that mean you know." She said and I huffed in annoyance.

"By the way, I'm Catherine." She said with a fake smile with I retuned with a bored look. "Nick's old friend." She said baiting her eyes at Nick and I scowled.

That's enough.

"Catherine, if you are done you can leave. Tell Edwin to bring me the files I ask for." Nick said without moving his gaze from me and that blonde pout before replying ok and walking out.

"Annoying bitch." I murmured before turning towards Nick who had an amused face on his face. "I'll give you three seconds to explain why the fuck is she here."

He sighed before sitting down beside me. "Her father was my father's friend and we literally grew up together. You also know her, Belle." I know her?

"We were friends and yes we dated once when we were in high school but that is past ok. She just works for me now." He explained.

"And your fuck buddy too Nick. You forgot to add that." Gino added and Nick shot him a glare.

"I don't know anything. I don't care whether she works for you or not. I just don't want her in this house." I said glaring at Nick who just nodded.


"Yes. As you wish my love." He replied and I nodded in satisfaction.


Gino and Lou left after the lunch while that blonde left not before shooting me a nasty glare. I swear, if I met her again and she gets on my nerves I'll strangle her with my bare hands. Ugly ass annoying, stupid, brainless bitch.

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