17. Life isn't fair

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I saw the shock flash through his eyes as I collided into him. My momentum knocked him straight back and out of the ring before he could get his balance. He blinked, taking in the fact that his feet were now on the grass rather than the mat.

I brushed my hands together. "Well that was easy."

I was halfway to winning the prank war point, all I needed to do was win one other match than it would be mine.

"I didn't expect you to be so," he paused, searching for the right word. "Violent."

"What did you say earlier?" I laughed. "I'm learning not to underestimate her."

He pursed his lips. "Are you ready to go again?"

I nodded and we took our positions again. I began counting down. "Three... two... one... go."

I lunged at him. It had worked last time so maybe it would twice. It didn't. This time he was ready. He grabbed me around my sumo sized waist and swung me round, trying to fling me out of the ring. Quickly I hooked my foot round the back of his knee and collapsed it, sending us both tumbling to the ground still within the circle. I landed on the ground first and for a moment I thought I was about to become squashed roadkill as Griffin came down on top of me.

I could imagine my tombstone...

Here lies Rory Cooper, a girl who fought valiantly but in the end was defeated by sumo sized Griffin Carter.

I felt air rush past my head as his hands came either side of it. With the speed and reflexes of a trained athlete he'd managed to catch himself so he didn't outright squish me with his full body weight.

I thought he'd get off me immediately however instead he looked down into my eyes.

"Griffin?" I breathed.

"Princess," he trailed off, eyes darting to my lips.

Suddenly I was acutely aware of everything; his body — still sumo sized — pressed against mine, his hard jawline, the ring surrounding his deep blue eyes, dark like the ocean on a stormy day. My eyes traced his face and landed eventually on his lips.

My breath hitched as he leant closer and—

Without warning he rolled to the side, using his momentum this time to fling me over him and out of the ring. I rolled a few times before coming to a stop on the grass. I picked myself up with a sigh and dusted dirt off the sumo suit. "That wasn't fair."

He'd successfully distracted me into losing.

"Life isn't fair," he retorted. "It wasn't my fault you were so enraptured by me."

I huffed. If he wasn't going to play fair then neither was I.

We took our places on either side of the ring. It was now one all; I had to win the last one. I wiped away some sweat from my forehead. "Three... two... one... go."

I let Griffin come to me this time.

He dived at me, arms open wide ready to knock me out of the circle. I sidestepped him and stuck out a foot to which he promptly tripped over, grabbing my arm on the way and dragging me with him.

Deja vu washed through me as I fell to the ground with a thud.

And this time I didn't get back up.

"Shit. Are you okay?" Griffin knelt down beside me.

I groaned.

"What's hurting?" Worry was etched onto his face as he scanned my body looking for injures. I gripped my shoulder as if in pain and he leant closer. "Let me take a look. Please."

He was so close now. Close enough now to—

I raised my feet against his chest and pushed with all my effort.

He went flying, or rather rolling out of the ring.

I let out a cackle and stood up. "Gotcha."

He picked himself up, shaking his head with a grin. "I suppose I deserved that."

I heard laughter from behind me and turned to see my brother standing at the edge of the ring. "Carter, you just got wasted."

"What are you doing here?" Griffin asked coldly, before I could speak.

Jack raised his eyebrows."I didn't know you were now monitoring when I could see my sister."

Griffin was silent for a moment as the information sunk in. He looked at me, an accusing look in his eyes. "He's your brother?"

"You don't see the family resemblance?" Jack laughed. "Same blonde hair, same charm."

Griffin's expression was turning stonier and stonier.

"Jack," I said sharply. The tension could be cut with a knife. 

"Same ability to beat you," Jack continued, ignoring me. 

"We're done here," Griffin growled. He pulled off his helmet then began tugging off his sumo suit.

"Why are you here, Jack?" I asked finally. 

He turned to me. "I spotted you and came over to say hi. I didn't realise your opponent was him."

Griffin had now taken off the suit. He looked at me and said without a hint of a smile, "4:2 to you."

"Griffin..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. He began walking away, shoulders and jaw taut. I whipped my head round to Jack. "What on earth was that?"


"You were a complete dick!" I exclaimed. "Not cool."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you cared so much about him."

"I don't! But that that was uncalled for."

"Rory, he's not a good guy."

"Do you even know him?" I shot back.

Jack cocked his head. "And you do?" The truth was I didn't, not really. I lowered my eyes. "I'm just trying to protect you, Rory. It would end badly if you caught feelings for him."

I crossed my arms. "I won't catch feelings for him."

"He leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him," Jack added.

"That's rich coming from you."

My brother's expression darkened. "I'm not like that anymore."

"But you used to be."

"And that's why I know his intentions aren't great. I know him because I used to be him. He doesn't care about your feelings."

"Maybe he doesn't, maybe he does. But it doesn't matter either way. We're just having a prank war between us. There are no feelings involved," I said, exasperated.

My brother sighed. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Jack," I said more softly. "I'm aware of his ways. I won't let myself get hurt."

"I know you are." He looked to the ground with a sigh. "I'm sorry Ror, I know you can look after yourself."

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "It's okay. I thought you wanted me to beat him anyways?"

His arms came around me and I felt him laugh. "I do. And you were doing a good job of it then. It was rather entertaining watching you beat him dressed like this."

I smiled. "I told you I could handle him."


Have any of you guys ever worn a sumo suit? They're funny as!

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SouthernAlps over and out...

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