Chapter 21: Placing Me In The Spotlight

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Look out for the <>!

"This isn't a date. I promise," I reassured my parents, even though they didn't even ask that question. I just felt like I needed to convince them and myself that this was nothing but a friendly invite, to 'defuse tension', whatever that meant.

"I think it's really great Everett invited you out," dad said.

I nodded. I guess it was nice, but I hadn't really thought of it like that. He was just looking for someone to come along. He would have asked so many others the same question, I was sure of it. I pulled on my dress as I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about this outing. "This isn't too dressy, right?"

Mom smiled as she looked at me. "No. It's perfect."

However, mom was the woman who wore pearls to go grocery shopping. I probably was too over dress. But before I had time to change my outfit, the doorbell rang. "That's him. I'll see you both later."

I ran to get the door to see Everett on the other side dressed in a button down and jeans. His clothes hugged him in all the right ways, which made me remember what Tad had told me. Everyone thought he was attractive, but maybe this was the first time I noticed how attractive he actually was.

His beat-up face was healing and whatever bruising he had was covered up with a colored foundation which was applied with such precision, it made me wonder how much experience he had covering his bruises. 


I nodded as I walked out the door. "Let's get this done and make your dad happy."

He smiled as he opened the car door for me. "You really look stunning."

My cheeks turned hot as I brushed a stray piece of hair from my face. "Thank you. I don't think I have ever seen you dress up so much."

"I hope it's not too much," he said with concern as he backed out of the driveway.

I shook my head. "Nah. I like it."

There was a minute of silence as Everett drove down the road to get to the restaurant. "Thanks for agreeing to this."

"Who can refuse a free meal?" I only assumed he would pay. 

He chuckled. "Guess you're right. But I just wanted to give a little run down with my dad. We often butt heads, but we don't do it as much when other people are around. I hope he will be more interested in talking to you than me."

His comment made me frown. It was his father, and he wanted to say little to him? What did that mean about their relationship? I was someone Everett barely knew, but he rather I steal the show.

"We've always been like this. Don't worry," he reassured me as he took a turn down another road.

But I wasn't reassured. No one should have a relationship with their parents like that.

Within a few minutes, I found myself walking into a restaurant with Everett beside me. I looked around the fancy space, remembering when I was last here. This was Vera's favorite restaurant, but I hadn't been since she left.

"Everett! Here!" a middle-aged man said almost instantly, waving us down as he sat at a small table in the restaurant's corner.

Everett smiled as he walked over to him and sat down without waiting for the waiter to help us. "Hey dad."

"Hey, and you brought a friend," he said with a smile.

"I'm Nora. Pleased to meet you," I said as I shook his hand, then sat down at the table.

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