Chapter 42

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I turn back around after solving the equation on the board just as Ryder sneaks in and sits in the same spot he did last time, with his feet again on the table like he is the king

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I turn back around after solving the equation on the board just as Ryder sneaks in and sits in the same spot he did last time, with his feet again on the table like he is the king. King of my heart maybe but I am sure that knowledge would go right to his big head if he knew.

"Anyone have any questions?" I ask the students as they finish scribbling down what I just wrote.

Two hands shoot up but before I can call on either of them the jock in the back interrupts. "Question?" he calls out, ignoring the students who probably have real questions and want to learn.

"Answer," I smile even though I should scold him and move on.

"How do you expect these fine scholars to learn with that distraction?"

"What distraction?" I look around the room trying to figure out what I missed that could have been distracting my students for the last two hours. I am a little annoyed that after 12 weeks of knowing me they did not speak up about this. It is a waste of both my time and theirs if they aren't paying attention to review.

"You," he replies as his eyes trail down my body taking in my outfit. He is no longer lounging in his chair but sitting up and leaning on the desk watching me like an animal stalking its prey.

"Oh," I gasp as some of the male students in the room nod in agreement while the female students whisper, probably about Ryder's bold statement. I tug at the oversized jersey I am wearing with just knee high boots. Of course I have a pair of shorts under the jersey but you can't see them because of how far down my legs the jersey comes.

"Anything else?" I rush trying to earn back my students' attention. I can feel my cheeks heating up  but try to keep my outward composure as best I can.

Archie's hand shoots up. He is a nice boy, always at review and my office hours. He talks to other students but I can tell most of the time they are just using him because he is by far the smartest student I have. I am almost sure that he could lead this review himself if he wanted to. "Archie?"

"Is he your boyfriend?" he asks innocently.

"No," I practically yell while Ryder literally falls out of his chair because he is laughing so hard. "Carson," I scold as he manages to pick himself off the floor.

"Alright review is over, if you have a question email me," I huff as I quickly gather my backpack and stalk over to the distraction barely holding himself upright. "I hate you."

"Mmmm, no you don't," he counters as he grabs my backpack and slides his arm around my waist.

"I am wearing someone else's jersey this weekend just for that stunt."

His arm tightens around me almost painfully tight. "Don't joke about something so fucking stupid Francesca."

I am no expert but I know jealousy when I see it and Ryder is definitely jealous. Tingles shoot up my spine as I revel in the fact that I can make someone like him jealous. He is the star hockey player, a straight A student, and has an amazing body, doesn't he realize any girl, including me, would sell their soul to wear his jersey to one of his games?

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