Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome! I hope you like this chapter, but before diving in, I must give props were they are due. I was heavily inspired to write this based on the story: Forgotten Bonds by @Anthezar and I highly recommend their book if you like this. It is surely much better than this, if you are a fan of ungressed Robin. 

Robin POV

    He didn't need  a consort and he most certainly didn't need a babysitter. For christ's sake,  he was the leader of an all powerful crime fighting unit. And by the way the rest of the team was constantly hovering over him, you'd assume he was no better than a commonplace Batman fanatic. Which he was not ! Well, based solely on the batman onesie he was wearing, that much could hypothetically be debated. But the point still stands!

    Robin was no child. He enjoyed the company the other teen titans, but ever since the tower started up what Starfire lovingly calls "The Family Night Of Movies" Robin had been dragged out of his shell to the ninth degree. I mean, it wasn't like he hated spending time with the other titans, but he was in desperate shape for some 'me time'. But after the whole Red X fiasco, it seemed that Robin wasn't going to be having any alone time any moment soon. So that's how Robin found himself locking his bedroom door in the tower for any spare moment of silence. Of course, locking of doors was strictly against the rules in the tower. After all, each of the titans respected each others space and only entered a bedroom uninvited when it was deemed an absolute emergency. Robin himself was a strong advocate for said rule, but for some reason, he just couldn't risk it, this time. He just needed a couple of minutes. A few seconds. A moment, to himself. 

    There he sat with his batman onsie, black adult pacifier and bat stuffie Alfred ordered for him, along with his mother's passed down baby blanket. Picking up the pacifier, Robin gently suckled on it for a moment, relishing in the sense of safety the comfort items brought him. "ahh..." Robin sighed contently, before leaning back and snuggling against the soft material of his baby blanket. Even after all of this Slade nonsense, Robin could always depend on his little space to perk him back to his quirky quip giving crime fighting self. Despite keeping it a secret, Robin knew, deep down, his team would understand. Robin's pride however, well, he didn't know if his pride would be consolable. After all, not even Bruce had known about his secret. Just Alfred, and only Alfred had been made aware of Robin's secret. And only after weeks of taking care of Dick, did Alfred finally make the connection and introduce Robin to the wonder of online regression shops and blogs. Frankly, Robin was happy to leave it that way.  As long as he had private moments like this, Robin was happy to leave his regression completely a secret. And for as long as it remained that way, nothing could go wrong. 

    At least that's what Robin thought for approximately 30 minutes, before the blaring red light of the teen titans alarm system suddenly went off. *WhooWhoom* "Mmmm." Robin whined, flinching at the loud noise, hands clasped over his ears. *WhooWhoom* Red flashed across every wall in Robin's room, flickering through every crevice. *WhooWhoom* "Robin! Yo, Robin! Hurry up, dude! It's a Slade sighting! Hurry up!" *WhooWhoom* Beastboy pounded on the door and despite his hesitation, Robin found himself wobbily standing. And with a shout, yelling over his shoulder "I'M ON MY WAY!" before the green boy could reach for the door knob. 

   Have to grab my things. Robin looked around, searching for his hero suit. Frantically shovelling heaps of laundry, the teen suddenly regretted not having done his chores earlier in the day. Have to be big. Have to protect the others. He didn't have enough time to fully change. Instead, Robin shoved the hero suit over top of the thin onsie. Shoving the hood in an awkward angle against Robin's back. Have to grab my belt. Where's my utility belt?  Finally finding the belt under a layer of dirty socks, Robin grimaced only for a moment before the belt was latched and he was sprinting for the door. Do I have everything? It's all happening too fast. Belt? Suit? Mask?  Pacifier? Right! He had his adult pacifier still attached to the inside of his onsie! Robin quickly snagged the black comfort item, shoving it into a semi-empty compartment in his belt. "I'M COMING, GUYS!"

  Sprinting through the streets, Cyborg filled the team in on the escalating scenario down by city hall. "It looks like Slade has sent out ten to twenty bots in city hall. They seem to be only causing mild chaos, so my guess is that Slade's just waiting for us to show, before revealing whatever his real  plot is." Robin joined in on the intercom. "It's probably a trap in the making. We should try and access what we can, before revealing ourselves. A sneak attack would definitely be most effective here." "I disagree, bro! Let's just knock 'em out with a surprise shot!" Beastboy disagreed loudly. "That's idiotic. We'd only be running straight into whatever Slade prepared for us." Raven darkly crooned, as her usual mantra tends to do.  Beastboy blushed slightly, only for a glimpse of a moment, before piping back up. "Well, he may be expecting us to show up, but that doesn't mean he knows when  we're gonna show up." He pouted slightly, continuing to sprint high speed in his current rhino form. "Friends, let us not argue now. We shall understand the situation further once we arrive at the hall of cities." Starfire soothed the pair. "I agree with Star. We can adjust our plan once we arrive and access the nature of whatever Slade has planned." Robin said, swinging from a lightpost. "Titan's go!"

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