Chapter 11

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    "I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt the others." The empty air seemed to seal in the agreement between the two. Suddenly, Slade stood up, silent and as dark as ever. The momentary instance of kindness long forgotten. "Good, Robin. Good." Gaining control of his emotions, Robin grit his teeth together, wiping away the last remaining tears with a dismissive swipe from the back of his palm. "What do you want?" A dark chuckle echoed through the air, as Slade sinisterly circled his downed opponent. "Have you not been listening, Richard? You are going to be my apprentice. My student, my fledgling in the world, Robin." Hoisting himself off the ground, Robin kept a wary eye on Slade, watching as he circled menacingly. "No. What do you want from me, now ? I'm your apprentice. Fine, great, sure. What do you want from me?" Slade stopped behind Robin, causing the younger boy to spin around to face him. "Well, first things first, we have some things to discuss." "Like?" Slade's eyes narrowed inside his mask. "Respect for example. You will be living with me for some time now, so I believe it is only appropriate to set up some ground rules now." Robin resisted the urge to deny his statement, knowing it was futile. His best chance of escape would be to ride this out until an antidote was found. Of which, could take weeks and even months. "Ground rules. Got it." Slade seemed seemingly pleased with this reaction, as he smirked lightly, the corners of his lips pulling the material of his mask upwards. "You will call me Mr. Wilson, Father or sir. But you are not to address me as Slade from here on out." Robin rolled his eyes but bit his tongue to remain silent for now. Slade however didn't seem to notice, as he continued on uninterrupted. "You will be living with myself and one of my very close companions-" "You have friends?" Before Robin could stop himself, the words flew from his lips. Slade glowered for a moment, decidedly ignoring that comment. "And as such, you will also be referring to him  by last name or sir, only." This was an opening! Immediately pouncing on the opportunity, Robin jumped in, admittedly overly excited for the current conversation. "And his name would be?" Slade glowered once again upon being interrupted for the second time.  "Wintergreen. Mr Wintergreen." Robin greedily took in the information, glad to have any form of leverage in this situation. "And where is this Mr. Wintergreen? When do I meet him ?" Slade muttered something under his breath for a moment, that Dick couldn't hear. "Well?" "SILENCE!" Slade suddenly roared to life, stalking toward Robin with heavy metal feet. "You will know exactly what I want you to know, when I want you to know it. Is that understood young man?" Robin bit his cheek to prevent retorting he was not a young man, but didn't want to press Slade more than he already had. "Well?" Slade mimicked Robin's earlier words. "Yes. I understand." "Yes, what ?" Robin clenched his fists together, his breath caught in his throat momentarily. "Yes, I understand, sir." Robin refused to give in and call the man father. No, he'd never sink that low as to even consider that .

    "Good. Now follow me." Slade quickly spun on his heel, disappearing into the shadows. "W-Wait!" Dick quickly followed suit, rushing to catch up. Robin's longer strides making up one of Slade's shorter ones. "If you can't keep up now, Robin. You'll never succeed." "I was succeeding quite fine until you came along." Robin quipped back, tired of this conversation already. Slade suddenly grabbed him by the collar, hoisting Robin into the air as the younger boy clawed at his neck for air. "What did I just say about respect, boy?" Desperate to be let down, Robin answered obediently. "That I need to learn it! Call you sir! Shit like that!" Slade growled before landing a hard swat on Robin's bottom. "Language!" Robin squirmed over the sudden attention, his face turning a light shade of pink in embarrassment. "Correct your statement. What did I say about respect?" "That I- I need to learn it! I- I'm uncivilized and crude! Okay?" A moment of silence falls over the pair before Slade lets out a huff of air. Dropping Robin to his feet, Slade once again begins quickly making his way into the shadowy hall. "Come. We have much to do."

    Walking into an entirely metallic colored room, the sound of clinking gears and gadgets overhead creates a mindless buzz throughout the room. In the entry way, there is old rough grey carpeting peeling up in the edges of the box shaped room. It was spacious, with a strange homeliness to the room in a sort of living room fashion. 'Must be where Slade crashes out in between missions.'  Robin observed. In the center of the living room lay two old beat up couches with rather mysterious stains along the rather soft looking brown seams. Just in front of the couches, there is a singular old box television pushed up against the wall. A simple bunny ears antenna attached to the old television set. Straying from the main living room area, old off white tiling meets the carpet, leading into a makeshift kitchen. In the kitchen, there stood a thoroughly used thick oak table. A set of off white counters and utilities matched the floor plan below. These utilities included a toaster, microwave, oven, sink and small refrigerator. Finally, on the opposite side of the living room lay four plain brown doors and one reinforced steel door. 'Probably the way out.'  Robin thought. 

    "This is where you will be spending the next following months with me, until you can be trusted to leave and return of your own free will." The look of disbelief must have shown on Robin's face, because Slade chuckled, continuing. "You'll find yourself agreeing with me rather quickly, Richard. You'll find that I can be rather persuasive when it comes down to the nitty gritty details." Robin merely nodded, deciding not to push his luck with the older man. "Your bedroom will be the first door on the left, then you'll find your second bedroom which leads directly to my room, and Mr. Wintergreen's will be the final door to the right. Robin shuddered at the idea of a bedroom awakening from Slade, mentally deciding to check out that room last. "You can enter your room now, until dinner is served."

    Walking into the first door on the left, Robin marveled at the room in front of him. Unlike everything else in the hideout, this room was relatively new. Everything had been freshly renovated with fresh royal blue walls and a soft fluffy rug in front of an oak four poster sea blue bed. In the corner stood a mahogany colored dresser with a clean white lamp resting on top. Deciding to check out the dresser first, Dick was pleasantly surprised to find the first drawer was filled with athletic clothing in carrying styles and sizes. The second drawer was filled with normal short sleeved summer clothes while the third was filled with normal long sleeved winter clothes. The fourth drawer contained boxers, briefs, trunks and socks. It was clear that despite not knowing Robin's full dressing habits, the man had made an effort to buy everything he could possibly ask for. One final drawer. Suddenly, Robin gasped, his face turning white as a sheet. Gripping onto the dresser drawer for support, Robin suddenly felt very very dizzy. Because in the last and final drawer, there laid a set of adult onsies, overalls and pull ups. 

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