idle worship

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In theory, the world is supposed to be balanced by good and evil

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In theory, the world is supposed to be balanced by good and evil. People that do the right thing and those who do the exact opposite — enough to balance each others actions out. The world is supposed to be a neutral ground for all to live on, but things never go with how they're supposed to be. People fall between the cracks, they learn how to thrive in a world different from what it's supposed to be. That's how evolution started, a need for something different was discovered and those who had the necessary parts survived to the next generation. Some people learned that they could thrive in the world of in-between. The world where good and evil were intermixed, people who did bad things with good intentions or people who did good things for all the wrong reasons. Certain places turned to being picture perfect example of what old and evil looked like when they worked so well with each other. Gotham City was one of those. A city riddled not with right and wrong, but a city riddled with wrongs lurking behind every street corner. Behind every building. Behind every person. Everyone on Gotham had a secret they were hiding, something wrong that they had done. Many came straight from necessity — there was no other option. They either survived by doing whatever they had to do or they suffered for it.

Most people did what they had to do to live another day.

Wren Leyton wasn't very aware of what the outside world of Gotham was struggling with. Instead, she stayed hidden behind the luxurious walls of her home and felt comfortable in her well-pressed school uniform for Gotham Academy, and she was okay with that. She had everything she could ever ask for and more — parents who attended to her every needs and money that poured out of her ears. Of course, these were all things that looked good to the other students at the academy. To the other children who's parents were off on business trips more often than they were at home. The children raised by nanny's that constantly cycled in and out of their lives. From everyone else's perspective, Wren Leyton had the perfect childhood. The one that people wished for at night — the one that fairytales were made of. And for a while, Wren also thought that's what she had. She never knew anything different, not until she got older (and by older she was going into the fourth grade) and figured out most children her age had never even seen a sword. Let alone learn how to kill another human being with one in under thirty seconds.

Gotham City had a lot of people that thrives in the in-between, but the Leyton family had been part of the Gotham City crime scene for generations. The whole reasoning behind why they were placed in the city in the first place was to help set up some of the crime rings. To lay the groundwork for the league — to do everything that needed to be done and not have anyone suspect a thing. And they didn't, the people of Gotham fell in love with the charismatic game of charades put on by the Leyton's. Wren Leyton was the by-product of a marriage of convenience — Talia Al Ghul's most trusted assassin (or at least one of them hand picked and trained by the daughter of the demon's head) and Ra's Al Ghul's most successful spy. Wren Leyton was everything that the league wanted, someone who could fight but also put a pretty smile on for the cameras and make the world swoon. The only thing they never expected: Wren Leyton being loved by her parents. By parents that were once deeply devoted to the cause of the league only to slowly change that devotion into their daughter.

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