Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Sarah Jones POV

Jason's secretory welcomed me when I reached his floor. An elegant lady most probably in her late forties, who had been surprisingly working at the company for more than seven years.

Quite impressive given the nature of her boss.

When I frankly told her my point of view, she advised me that no matter what happens, I should not quit my job. We conversed for a few minutes till she told me my boss had summoned me in his office.

Before knocking on his door, I fixed myself up in the mirrors outside his office and took a deep breath.
Let's meet the devil.

Whilst I entered his office, he was talking on his phone.

I took a seat across from him and started surveying his office all the while involuntarily swinging my chair. It looked exactly like 'his' office, yah, boring and plain and yet perfect.

It was quite spacious with pale cream-colored walls, minimal furniture that included just a single desk and three chairs. A single painting hung on one of the walls. Even without any signs of any extravagant leather couches or book shelves, the office looked rich and classic.

Right then, I noticed his glass windows. The same freaking windows I had mistaken as mirrors.

So, I just fixed myself up in front of his windows. Did he see that?

Great! Was it legally possible to embarrass oneself more than I had already done? Was not there a daily set quota for it? If there was, I had broken all records.

"Do not swing the chair". He said to me while he was still on the phone talking about some boring project which I did not want to eavesdrop on unless I intended to sleep.

Finally, he decided to grant me his attention. His forehead immediately frowned.

Do I look that bad?

"Your chair is not straight. Move it slightly to the left."

Anyways I moved the chair.

"Still not straight, now move it slightly to the right."

"It is straight according to me. We do not use measuring tapes to align them." I joked, which apparently wasn't a good idea.

Suddenly, with a speed of lightening he was at my side.
Is he a secret vampire? Silly me, he must have perfect legs with rockets installed in them.

Placing his hands on either arms of my chair, he caged me in, almost invading my personal space. I gasped and held my breath.

Never cage a woman, apparently they have nails sharper than lion's claw.

In an instant he moved the chair to the right and met my gaze.
"Now it is straight Miss Jones."

Straightening up, he went back just as quickly as he had come and picked his intercom.

"Send Nate in."

Is he going to offer me a cup of coffee?

"No need for coffee."

"I don't offer drinks to my employees. I just called in a janitor."

Oh. So no coffee.

When the said person came to his office, Mr. Jason took a piece of tissue paper and swiped it over his desk.
"What is this?" The janitor remained silent.

Then, Mr. Jason looked at me and asked.
"What is this, miss Jones?"

"A tissue" I answered.
He sighed and further elaborated his question.

"What is on it?"

"Nothing" I answered.


"Unless you have a microscopic vision and you can see something on it, I cannot see anything sir." I annoyedly replied.

He looked towards the janitor, sending ultra-hate beams through his hard gaze towards him.

"You cannot even properly clean my office." He raised the tissue "It has dirt specks on it. You are fired".

Control freak.

"Ms. Jones. My secretary will tell you all details about my schedule. I will email you whenever I need your assistance. If you have any queries, refrain from disturbing me. You may be here because of my dad but you will only stay here if I want you to. You may leave now."

Right when I was about to exit his office, he said.

"Miss Jones, you were twenty minutes late today. Be twenty minutes early tomorrow if you do not want your salary deducted."

"Okay sir."

"And miss Jones, tomorrow when you come to the office, make sure to look appropriate. You are my assistant now and I have a reputation to maintain." He pointed towards the chair I had sat in earlier. "Your wet hair ruined the fabric of my chair."

Dress appropriately?
Either he has low beauty standards or is just jealous of mine. As if I give a damn to his reputation. Before Mr. Flawless could mention anymore imperfections I had, I shut the door as hard as possible, probably hoping the force hits him in the face somehow. Obviously, it was 'physically and mathematically' not possible.

Even gravity was on his side.

Damn him and damn the stupid laws of physics.

Author's Note
Thank you for reading.

Sarah: Vote if you want the door to hit Jason's face.

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