{Chapter 61}

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Catheline's POV:

Fear filled my lungs as Leon lead me through the dark and cold hallways. The guards were patrolling them more than ever and I heard at least ten greetings from them.

Karra was beside me, returning from the kitchens. On my other side, was Lady Daraa. I clutched the cloak Xander gave me closer to myself and struggled to walk any further.

My body was giving up on me.

But I had to find the truth.

"Please let us return to your chambers, Your Grace..." Karra begged, helping me walk.

I did not respond and kept on walking. I had no mood to return and be assured to sleep. I would not be likely to be blessed with nice dreams tonight.

The skies were not merciful either. As if the last storm was taking place, the winds were blowing with tremendous force. The occasional sound of thunder and the bright flashes in the skies reminded me of another terrible day. And it made me move faster.

"Your Grace..." I heard Daraa call me.

But I could barely keep up. Every other moment, I almost lost balance. My body was being tormented by me but I did not care. I need to hear that he was fine.

At last, Leon halted at a door as the light flashed in the sky. He turned around, his expression troubled.

"Your Grace-"

"Open the doors," I commanded seriously.

He flinched before nodding and going ahead. The bright warm lights from the audience chambers hit the floor slowly. I urged Karra to take me in with a nudge and she did so hesitantly.

Inside, were three guards, one of whom was wearing clothes that did not belong to the ones Leon and the other two wore.

They bowed as I made towards them, feeling the apprehension spiral out of control.

"You," I said, looking at the odd one. "Are you the messenger from the City's border defense?"

I felt the presence of Lady Daraa beside me. The man nodded. He looked like any other soldier. Except, there was a strange gleam in his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Daraa asked him before I could say something. "You are supposed to fight there and protect the kingdom,"

"I..." the man spoke in a rough voice.

The other two men retreated and watched us from a distance. I looked at Daraa anxiously and looked at the man again.

"Where is the King?" I asked him, letting go of Karra's arm. "Tell me what you know of him,"

The man looked at me before his eyes fell on my belly. I felt a strange sensation, a wrong one. Something was wrong.

"The enemies attacked near the water bridge," He said, falling to his knees. "They massacred many men..."

I clutched the cloak tighter around my body, almost choking on the air. No. This was no place for weakness.

"What about the King? Is he alright?" I repeated, my eyes glaring at him.

The man looked up before exhaling in the most miserable way possible.

"I know nothing of the King..." he spoke in a hushed tone. "All I know...is that he is going to die tonight,"

Someone gasped, but I could not make out who. One of the guards rushed forward, withdrawing his sword noisily.

"Your orders, Your Grace," I heard him say as he pointed his sword at the man's throat.

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