Mending Broken Wings

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The next morning returning to Wayne Manor still crippled in the back Bruce was determined to try and readjust

The next morning returning to Wayne Manor still crippled in the back Bruce was determined to try and readjust

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But Alfred simply wouldn't let him

But Alfred simply wouldn't let him

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Alfred: Master Bruce I really must protest. You are in no condition to stand. Your spine is completely broken....

Bruce: That's why....I need the EXO suit.

Alfred: Even if that stabilizes your spine I will not risk your life more than the Batcave this Bane probably the most greatest foe you may never defeat.

Bruce: And if I don't.... what'd you think will happen to Gotham?

Bruce had him there Alfred sits on the bed with him

Alfred: I understand sir. It's just....when I saw that to brought up that night Jack Nappier murdered your parents. It flashed in my eyes the moment I heard that snap. I made a promise to your parents too Master Bruce. A promise....that I would protect you and I haven't.

Bruce: I know. But I can't abandoned the people of Gotham. I didn't just become Batman for them. My father tried to help people too....I only created Batman to finish what he started.

Alfred: I know but both your intendeds always end in the same way. Faced down in the darkness.

Bruce: Alfred I'm still alive.

Alfred: My point is.... raising you as my son....made me love you like a son. And seeing Bane break you in broke my heart in half.

Bruce: Alfred I get it. I know each time you look at me you still see the boy you read bedtime stories to. The teenager you drove to his prom night. But if I don't get back out there soon....half of Gotham may suffer my parents fate. Dick and Barbara can't stop Bane and Freeze on their own.

Alfred: We both agree on that. I just....if I wasn't old....I would be out there with you.

Bruce grins

Bruce: You have been.

Bruce grabbed Alfred's hand

Bruce: You... always been there for me. You... haven't just been my my best friend. I know I don't seem grateful but I am. I couldn't.... manage this without you. You helped me see errors in my ways about Nappier and Copplepot. And the only thing that made me see what you tried teach me....was when Selina killed Shrek. Joker and Penguin should have been put in Arkham. Even the Riddler. Least Harvey is getting the help he needs. I been trying to redeem Batman's will ever since. You....are what taught me my code Alfred.

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