ch2: sweet justice

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(Harry's pov)

Harry and his Grandparents are leaving the doctor's office after the check up. Harry had been hurt because Carol Ferris had tripped over his head, and the force from that hurt his neck. 

"I'm glad it's nothing to worry about."  Harry said. "Grandma: Yeah but they said to don't do anything to strain it for a few days." Grandma said. "Okay. By the way, make sure you have the right location." Harry asked. "I got it." His Grandpa said. "Just making sure you got it." Harry said. Harry and his Grandparents walk and get into their car.

 Harry said. "So you're already making friends?" His Grandma asked. "Not sure." Harry stated. "What's that supposed to mean?" His Grandpa asked. "Well I've never had friends before, just co-workers, and interns. So I'm not sure how to about about this" Harry says. "Well just be yourself" His Grandma says. "I'm not sure that will work" Harry says. "She's right, though, you've just got to be less intense" His Grandpa states. "Try your best to get along with them then." His Grandma says. "Okay. But when will being myself not be a problem?" Harry asks. "It's not a problem, you just need to learn to handle things better." His Grandpa states. "Okay. Let's go then." Harry says. "Right." His Grandpa says. He turns his key and the car starts. They drive off the the location where Harry would meet up with the girls he met at school.  They arrive at the dessert parlor. 

"Okay have fun." Harry's Grandma says. "Bye." Harry says as his Grandparents drive off. Harry walks into the parlor and sees people from school. Including ones he didn't like, such as, Leslie Willis, Carol Ferris, Pam Isley, and Selina Kyle. Harry walks over to the table where the girls who invited him were. Harry sits down next to Jessica and they get to talking.

 "So Harry was it? How did you end up in Metropolis?" Barbara asked. "I used to live in central city actually, but a few months ago I moved here with my Grandparents." Harry answered. "How come?" Zee asks. "It's a funny story actually. Or least I think it's funny. I was at work one day at STAR labs and I got angry at one of the workers for being so incompetent, I got angry and threw a stapler." Harry said. "What's wrong with that?" Diana asks. "Let me finish. The stapler hit my supervisor in the head and a staple was in the top of his head. He chased me like Giganta having a bad day." Harry finished. 

Kara started laughing, the rest of them looking at Harry with distaste. "Okay thats hilarious." Kara said. "No it is not." Jessica said. "Harry why would you think thats funny?" Jessica asked.  "It wasn't funny per se, what was funny about it was that he chased me. The staple in the head, no thats not funny. Look if you were there you would have laugh. He made a face that looked like this." Harry said as he made a face by gritting his teeth, flexing the muscles in his neck, furrowing his eyebrows very hard, and holding his eyes very wide. Harry stopped to their reactions.

Jessica started giggling at that. "Okay, I'll admit, that face is funny, but the staple thing is just violent." Jessica says. "I know that. Now they're ordering me to join an anger management group called HEART." Harry stats. "Oh hey, I run it." Jessica stats. "Well then. I guess I'll see you on the end of Fridays starting next week from now on." Harrys says. 

Soon Barry came by and asked what they wanted. Diana got the chocolate ice cream bucket that she stuck her face right into, Kara got the same thing but ate with a spoon really fast, Zee got a cheese cake and ate it normally, Barbara and Karen both got shakes, Jessica got a banana split sundae, and Harry order a large strawberry ice cream bowl that he ate slowly.  They spent their time talking about random stuff for 3 hours, Karen kept asking about STAR labs, and Harry agreed to show her around at some point. Once it was finally dark out everyone started leaving.

 Once the girls start leaving, Harry decided he'd go home as well. "Well I had a great time" Harry stated. "We did as well." Jessica said. "I'll see you next Friday then. Oh and Karen I'll make sure to show you around STAR later on." Harry says. "Thanks Harry, bye." Karen says.  

Harry walks alone on his way back to his house. He does this to think of ideas for later on. Harry continues to walks until he heard a loud crash near him. He looked to see that it came from a Jewelry store. He runs over to see what happened, when he looks inside he sees the super villain girls collecting all the Jewelry. He decides that he should just leave before he is seen. He steps on a large piece of glass and it breaks making a loud sound. Before Harry knew it he was surrounded. 

"What's this punk doing here?" Giganta asks. "It doesn't matter, just knock him out and tie him up." Catwoman says. Harley Quinn hits Harry on the top of the head and he falls to the ground. 

When Harry came to he saw as he was in the trunk of a car, his hands were tied together. He listened as the villains laughed. The car stopped and he heard as the villains got out of the car. He listened as he heard fighting, the car was definitely off, Harry decided to take chance and get out. He kicks the truck door but it doesn't budge, he kicks it again but nothing happens, he kicks it as hard as he can and it opens.

He rolls out of the truck to see a fight between the super hero girls, and super villain girls. Batgirl was fighting Harley Quinn, Zatanna fighting Star Sapphire, Wonder Woman fighting Catwoman, Green lantern fighting Poison Ivy, Bumblebee fighting Giganta, and Supergirl fighting Livewire. They hadn't seen him so Harry just runs off with his hands tied. When he got far enough he went look for something sharp to cut the ropes on his hands. Eventually he finds a junk store still open and asks the cashier to cut the ropes. He takes out a knife he had for sale and cuts it. Once the ropes were off Harry went home. 

Harry is running to his house, until he finally arrives. He opens the door to see his Grandpa sleeping in his chair. He knew his Grandma would be asleep in bed by now. Harry walks up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. Harry walks to his room door and opens it. His room is like a small tech lab, he recently worked on exoskeleton suit parts. STAR rejected them because they weren't looking for technology like that at the moment. Harry takes off his shoes and lays back in bed. He thinks for a little while. 

He had just been captured, and no superheroes helped him. He had to escape on his own. He decided that he would become his own hero. But he would deal with it tomorrow, he needed to sleep. But he knew one thing, what his name would be, Exo.  

Writer: Hey so I hope you liked this chapter. I write these on my own time so just try to get more reads and I'll continue.     

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