CHAPTER 41 : Stay with me Dove (final )

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He's right there. He standing right with- oh my goodness he's right there with a whole lot of people with guns.

"What the fuck!" Yelled Davis who was standing a little bit behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here ?" Asked my dad asked as he stepped up to Leon. Leon just looked at him with a straight face " I'm just here to take what belongs to me." And even in this very moment when we're  in this circumstance my heart still skipped a beat.

"Whats yours ? What are you talking about?"  Dad asked him as if he was totally lost. "Now don't fuck with me Hyde" replied Leon clearly loosing his patience.

" what do you mean. You can't just barge into my daughter's wedding like this with that S.W.A.T team or whatever you have back there." Says my dad.

"Oh really , the wedding you're forcing her into. Isn't it?"  Asked Leon. "Cut the bullshit , why don't you tell absolutely  everyone what you did before she suddenly was getting married."  He said.

"Just because you and I  are business rivals doesn't mean you can come in here and start accusing me of all this. What will I ever do to my daughter."  Said dad looking at me faking  hurt.

"The question  is in what way have you not hurt her as of yet. You've been abusing her before she was even 10 !" Yelled Leon and everyone gasped.

"Mr Thompson  is this true?" Asked a reporter  and they all started swimming in .

"Is this the reason why she wasn't available on any of your family bulletins for the past 8 years."

"Why did you keep her hidden this whole time."

"Is it because you're mentally unstable. ?"

"What did you gain by doing any of this?"

Suddenly I felt something being pressed on to my back.

"Start walking and keep your mouth " I knew that was my mother. "Bitch start moving  or you're dying right now" she whispered and suddenly  someone pulled me off the stage leading to  God knows where.

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"Leon , Where's Dove ?" Asked Michael who was standing behind me looking absolutely  everywhere but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath. "I don't see Davis nor her mother anywhere.

"Spread out and look for them." I said before  we took off trying to find them. Just then the sound of helicopter  caught my attention.

"That has to be where they are. All the way down there. Let's go" said Michale before he took off himself. His determination  to fund Dove was very appreciated but I felt there was more to  his determination  than what everyone else must be thinking.

"DAVIS ! " I  called out as soon as I was close enough. "Stop , let her go" said Michael.

Davis just stopped in his tracks with his back still facing up.

"Let Dove go  , NOW!" I  said. I couldn't loose her again this time. I've been looking for her for months and now she's right there she might just get into that chopper and everything again will get back to square one.

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