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Chapter 666— Machinations

"I will also investigate He Xi here to see if I can find any clues from her. We must obtain An Lingyue's relics. They hold the key to the rise of Nalan Mansion," Nalan Zhengze declared.

Nalan Ziyun nodded, a greedy smile playing on his lips.

Once I possess those pill refining and cultivation books, I will have the power to trample Xi Yue underfoot. Let's see how arrogant he can be in front of me then.

The father and son exchanged a knowing look, their expressions filled with greed and excitement.

Unbeknownst to them, a small gecko quietly listened to their conversation from a corner of the room. After 15 minutes, when everyone left the study, the gecko cautiously made its way out.

Returning to He Xi's room, the gecko transformed into a cute little tyrannosaurus and exclaimed, "Boss, listen to me, I've heard some shocking news."

He Xi was sipping tea prepared by Azhu in her room. Azhu may not excel in cooking, but she knew how to make excellent tea.

Hearing the little Golden Dragon's excitement, He Xi couldn't help but laugh. "What's the shocking news? Are they going to tell me that I'm not Nalan Zhengze's biological daughter?"

The words the little Golden Dragon intended to say got stuck in his throat. After a moment, he stuttered, "Bo... Boss, so you already knew? But... how did you find out?"

He Xi smirked, casually saying, "I had a hunch. Now, tell me everything they discussed in detail."

The little Golden Dragon didn't hold back and recounted the entire conversation between Nalan Zhengze and Nalan Ziyun.

Towards the end, the little Golden Dragon burst into laughter. "Boss, don't you find it amusing? Nalan Ziyun even claimed that Xi Yue seduced Nalan Hexi to obtain An Lingyue's relics. They're accusing you of seducing yourself, hahaha..."

He Xi didn't join in the laughter. Instead, she wore a solemn expression.

Concerned, the little Golden Dragon asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

He Xi furrowed her brow. "They said my real younger brother is dead?"

The Little Golden Dragon nodded. Seeing the sadness in He Xi's eyes, he quickly reassured her, "Boss, don't be sad. Even if your younger brother is gone, you still have us!"

He Xi forced a smile and nodded, but a lingering sadness remained in her heart.

Learning that Nalan Hexi's younger brother was supposedly dead felt like a heavy weight pressing on her chest, making it difficult to breathe. Yet, he was just a stranger she had never met.

But is Nalan He Xi's brother truly deceased?

He Xi recalled Nalan Yanming treating her as his younger brother in Baicao Garden. He had explicitly mentioned that his brother was missing, not dead.

The Little Golden Dragon hovered in the air for a moment before remembering something important. He quickly spoke up, "By the way, boss, there's something peculiar. There's a powerful enchantment in a corner of Nalan Zhengze's study. I approached it slightly and felt a terrifying force. And when I got a little closer, Nalan Zhengze actually sensed it and turned back."

"I believe he's hiding something in his study."

He Xi narrowed her eyes. "You're nearly at the early stage of the Golden Core, yet that enchantment managed to terrify you?"

Chapter 667— What Could Possibly Happen

If I'm not mistaken, Nalan Zhengze is only at the Gold Core Stage, right?

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