⟣Chapter 88

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Wen Qingling returned to Ling City when it was already dark. After taking a walk and getting a rough idea of Ling City’s construction, he started building the city walls of the central city upon his return. The central city wall was 15 meters high and had a longer perimeter than the inner city and the core city.

After resting for a night, by noon the next day, Wen Qingling’s wood-based abilities had fully recovered. He energetically began building the outer city wall as well. The height of the outer city wall was the same as the core city wall, 20 meters. Moreover, the four directions of the outer city wall were built more carefully and solidly, with four outpost cities serving as the main fortresses protecting the entire civilized city. These fortresses couldn’t be taken lightly.

Wen Qingling used almost all of his wood-based abilities in the construction of the outer city wall. The grand scale and magnificent architecture impressed all the civilized zombies.

In addition to the outer city wall, Wen Qingling divided the civilized city into four directional cities: East City, West City, South City, and North City, using cross-shaped inner city walls. The core city remained as a whole without directional divisions, while the inner city, central city, and outer city were divided into four directional cities. For example, the inner city was divided into East Inner City, West Inner City, South Inner City, and North Inner City. Each directional city had gates and small outpost cities to prevent mixed residency among the residents of different directional cities.

In each of the four directions, there were three sub-city masters and one directional city master. The sub-city masters were responsible for managing their own cities and reported to the directional city masters. The directional city masters could handle all affairs within their own directional cities, not limited to the civilized city but also including external matters under their jurisdiction.

Important decisions were sent to the Chief City Master, Wen Qingling, in the core city. Whether Wen Qingling personally handled these matters concerning the civilized city was another matter, but this was the overall plan.

All the architectural planning of the civilized city was based on the existing foundation of Ling City. Dirty and damaged buildings were cleaned and repaired. Wen Qingling wanted the civilized city to be not only civilized in spirit but also in appearance.

With the tall city walls separating them, the gathered zombies had no choice but to continue migrating outward. The outer city wall of the civilized city extended beyond Wen Qingling’s originally planned area. The four large suburban areas that were initially designated for zombies were all included within the outer city, becoming part of it.

The four suburban areas had many villa districts and residential areas with more open spaces. Wen Qingling desired these empty spaces for planting as it was more convenient within the city. In addition to the enclosed suburban areas within the outer city, Wen Qingling also planned to enclose areas outside the outer city as planting zones. With this, the total area of the civilized city would be larger than the original Ling City, capable of accommodating a larger population. If developed, it would definitely become a prosperous supercity.

Regarding the planning of the planting zones, Wen Qingling intended to tilt them towards the south. The South had Xiang County, and the distance from Ling City to Xiang County could be developed into a planting zone.

The best way was to build a fence, not too high, just enough to block ordinary zombies. Constructing a fence from Ling City to Xiang County was a massive project, and it wasn’t something that Wen Qingling could handle alone. Since Xiang County wanted to rely on Ling City, they had to figure out their own solutions. Otherwise, Wen Qingling couldn’t guarantee the safety of those coming from Xiang County. He wasn’t someone’s bodyguard who could protect everyone 24/7.

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