CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Pumpkin Patch Princess

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Servants watched open-mouthed as we marched through the corridors: a crazy-looking woman holding dishes of goop, a girl carrying a giant frog, and a cat staring them down as he passed.

When we approached the doors of the dining hall, Maud burst right in without ceremony.

My first glimpse of the king and queen showed me that he was broad-shouldered with an impressive beard, and she was glamorous with waves of shining black hair.

Daphne sat on her father's right, next to two little boys. They all stared at us in shock.

The queen recovered enough to throw us a haughty glare. "What in the name of heaven is this, Maud? How dare you barge in on our family meal?"

"Young lady, sit down!" the king barked at Daphne, who had jumped out of her chair.

"Apologies, Your Majesties, but we need to do this now," Maud said.

"Are these the last two? Should I try them now?" The princess looked at the two dishes, smacking her lips in preparation.

"Try what? What is going on?" her father demanded.

"I've told you again and again, Father, that I'll marry no one but Prince Alfonso," Daphne declared. "So no more talk of me going husband-hunting at that stupid ball in Irisia."

The queen looked appalled. "Really, darling, stop discussing our family's private business in front of these . . ."

Daphne ignored her. "What a load of horse chips. It's just going to be a bunch of girls fainting and throwing undergarments at Prince Christopher all night."

Her mother gasped, fanning herself with a napkin.

"Watch your language, Princess," the king said, pointing a stern finger at his daughter.

Daphne ignored him, swiping her finger in the first dish. She smeared her mouth with the goop as her family looked on in horror.

"Wow! She looks like a sprite!" exclaimed one of the boys.

"Or a goblin. I think goblins have purple faces," the other boy said.

"Actually, they're pale green," I told them. They looked up at me in awe.

"Boys, that is enough!" the queen snapped. "Maud, what is my daughter putting on her face? I'm going to have to report this to C.A.F.E, you know. Daphne! What are you . . .?!"

The princess had just plucked the frog from me and given him a huge kiss.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. I picked up Muffet, who squeezed my arm between his front paws. Maud was gripping the table so hard her knuckles had turned white.

Then, suddenly, Daphne squealed, nearly dropping Alfonso.

"What?! What!?" Maud rushed forward. Whatever she saw made her pump her fist in the air. "Yes! YES!"

Muffet nearly clawed me in his excitement to get to the frog. We peered over Daphne's shoulder at Alfonso, who looked a little . . . different. His legs had changed from their usual purplish-green color to a more palatable tan, almost like the color of . . . 

"Skin!" Maud shrieked. "Kiss him again, Daphne! Give him a big wet one right there!" By this time, all members of the royal family were on their feet, straining to see. Even the servants were craning their necks. Daphne kissed Alfonso again, and this time he grew a little bit. Black hairs began sprouting from his head.

"What the . . ." the king murmured.

"Not to worry, Sire. Your daughter's just breaking her fiancé's curse," Maud told him. "Again, Daphne!"

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