Bonus Scene

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This afternoon with Lola was the first time since I've been here that she's let her guard down. Even if that wall she's built is shorter by a millimeter—it's one small step for her—and a giant leap for me. The way she smiles and laughs at stupid shit I say while she unconsciously twirls her hair around her finger makes me want to ravish every inch of her body.

Truth be told, I left her at her dorm and told her to come by later because it all became a little too intense for me. She's so close to me. I can touch her skin, feel her breath, hear the way her voice wraps around my name and yet she's still miles away from where I need her to be.

Not to say I blame her. My girl is smarter than Einstein. Yeah, she's not only smoking hot, she's brilliant. The ultimate two for one. Problem is, trying to sell the idea of something so outrageous, whether it's the truth or not, to a highly logical and intelligent individual—well I think I may have better luck selling voice lessons to a shaolin monk.

The entire situation is frustrating and the effort I'm putting into getting Lola to believe what I say is real is taking a toll. I bought groceries and booze earlier so I head to the kitchen and begin rooting for the bottle of unopened rye. I'd drink absinthe if I could right now—I'd drink anything that can take the edge off.

I'm about to twist the cap off when there is a knock so demanding, so unruly, I think it may splinter the front door. Aggravated, I stomp to the entry and swing it open, ready to give the owner of the knock a piece of my mind but as soon as she comes into view, my irritation vanishes like a plume of smoke. Door number one, drowning my sorrows in overpriced rye. Door number two, Lola.

I've hit the jackpot.

The swell of her chest heaves fast and hard while she fights to catch her breath. Her face is flushed and wet with moisture. Tears. Before I can ask her why she's crying, she speaks.

"I read it."

Oh. That explains everything. I'd given her a copy of my wedding vows, and at the risk of seeming pretentious, those were pretty smooth. I step back to let her in but she surprises the hell out of me and grabs my face with her tiny hands. "I don't know you, but if you can love me that much, I can love you back. I know I can."

She leans forward and places the most delicate, tender, tentative kiss on my mouth. Every functioning brain cell in my head screams at me to restrain myself but my body rejects the idea. I've missed those lips. Thought about them every day since I got here and I don't want her to change her mind. I slam the door shut and grab the backs of her knees to hoist her up. Her legs wrap around me as if the action is solely instinctive. She doesn't know it yet, but it is.

That's right, Angel. You belong here.

I kiss her like it's the first time, because for her, it is. Careful not to break the contact, I walk us to the couch and turn to sit. Her legs have nowhere to go but on either side of me, which is precisely where I'd like to see them. Lola stuns me all over again when she presses herself against me. Hard.

I could be in trouble.

She moves effortlessly against me and I know, without question she feels it. Everything about this, about us is right. She's probably wondering why she fought me in the first place. The thought makes me smile and I bite down on her bottom lip softly. Her lips are glossed with something cherry, a taste I have grown to love more than anything on the planet. "You'd better watch yourself, Angel. I might just turn into the devil if you're not careful."

I slide my fingertips to the curve of her shoulder and pull the strap of her dress down before depositing a kiss on the flawless skin there. "I missed this. I miss you."

Before SundayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon