This war of hers

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Eiko tossed and turned in her bed as she slept, it was odd how she was able to still sleep when the person shes working for just said she was declaring war on the other companies that she was working against. Eiko dreamed she was in what looked like a prison visiting area; she felt small for some reason, she looked around the room to see that not a single soul was in the room as she sat at a steel table and on a small stool, Eiko looked down to her hands to see she had both her hands instead of her robotic hand.

The moment Eiko looked up she saw another child in the room, from what Eiko could see it was a little girl, she sat across from Eiko, then Eiko noticed that the girl was herself, the clone started to stare at Eiko when she came to the realization that she was looking at herself years in the past. The clone hopped up on the table and Eiko fell backwards onto the floor, her clone then leaped onto Eiko and grabbed her by the neck, the child clone stared at Eiko with giant crimson colored eyes before screaming at Eiko.

" Release me !" It yelled in a light Japanese accent before drawing a knife on Eiko and cocked it's arm drawing the knife back in a dramatic fashion, but before she could feel the cold blade touch her throat, Eiko instantly woke up in a cold sweat, but before she could even wipe the sweat from her forehead, she quickly got up and ran into the bathroom feeling a bad urge to use it. When Eiko was finished doing her business, she looked at herself in the mirror.

She was glad that she kept her robotic arm and leg on while she slept, Eiko wiped the sweat from her forehead with her robotic hand feeling the warm metal rub across her head." I-I never had a nightmare like that before or even ever." She spoke to herself, Eiko was breathing heavy but soon calmed down and washed up in the bathroom when she came out of the bathroom she was back to her old stoic self.

As Eiko began going back to her room, Jun seemed to kick in the front door to the apartment, she seemed to be wired or really excited about something because the first thing she did was nearly yell what was on her mind." I'm Home ! Are my two little noodles awake ?!" Jun was wearing a a white suit with a bright blue turtle neck she had on pair finger less red gloves and a purple lipped smile on her face.

When Jun noticed that only Eiko was awake and wearing a simple ash tank top and a pair of black briefs, she looked over to the door leading to Maya's room, she casually walked over, and instead of lightly knocking like a normal human being, Jun began punching the door like she was angry followed by yelling." Maya ! Maya ! Wake up ! Time for war, and I want my giant German shield by my side !" The punching turned to head butting.

Eiko grabbed Jun in a bear hug and pulled her away before Maya opened her door and asked what the time was in German, she walked out with her minty green hair dangling down to her shoulders and in her face, she was wearing a pajama suit in the what Eiko could guess was in the quad x region. The second Jun had her sights on Maya, she broke free from Eiko's robotic grip and dusted off her white blazer, she cleared her throat and noticed that Maya wasn't dressed either.

" Why aren't either of you dressed ? I thought that it was simple enough to get from my speech the other day that I was going to kill my competition, without mercy." Jun began stomping her feet like an angry child, Maya patted Jun on the head." Jun, the adults are sleeping, calm yourself down." Maya said in a cool tone, she sounded like she wasn't even bothered that a woman child just punched and headbutted her door to wake her up.

" Juny, why don't you make us some of those burgers you make so well ?" Maya asked still sounding a mix of cool and tired, the whole look of the situation seemed somewhat familiar to her. Eiko remembered back when her mother would pull her out of bed to wake her up in the morning and if she were to try to wake her mother she'd get yelled at for doing something simple, and how her father would always simply just shake her awake and tell her that it was morning.

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