Chapter 25

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I parked a bit further away from Blake's house and then checked Stacy's address. 12th mansion, Boulevard King.

Wow- sounds like some rich street. I shrugged, putting back my helmet and started searching around for the street. After 20 minutes searching in the rich neighbourhood I finally saw the name of the street and when my gaze met the tall mansions looming above me, I sighed. Of course their parents would be loaded with Stacy being the co-captain of the cheerleading squad- but I won't judge.

Mia gasped as we rode past the huge houses and parked by the 12th mansion. I tapped on the speaker attached to their gate and it beeped.

"Who is it?" Brian's voice was heard. 

"'s Hayley," I hesitatingly said as I recalled the promise I had made to Blake.

"Oh! You must be here because of my sister's sleepover right- wait I'll open the gate,"

"Thanks," I muttered as the huge gates pulled open. I clasped Mia's hand, smiled down at her and then we were walking down his driveway. It was incredible with the fountain standing proudly in the middle.

"Wow," Mia gaped.

"I know right," I nodded in agreement as the big oak door opened in front of us. Brian smiled down at me and stepped sideways, "Welcome to my humble abode!" He cried out in a british accent. Despite promising to Blake that I would avoid Brian at all cost, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. It was so hilarious the way he said it!

"And who might this be?" He continued as he smiled broadly at Mia. Mia giggled as she extended her arm politely at Brian.

"Mia," she grinned and Brian whole-heartedly shook her hand.

"Come on in," he smiled as he stepped sideways and I couldn't help but return his smile. Mia and I entered, staring at the interior design with huge eyes. A long hallway with walls painted a royal blue on either side. A table with intricate designs was situated in the corner and on it stood an old-looking china vase. It was so nicely placed made that I had no doubt it probably cost a fortune.

"My mom is an interior designer," Brian confessed and my mouth formed an 'o' shape. That explained why everything looked amazing and faultless.

I quickly closed my mouth and nonchalantly said, "Cool."

Brian made a move to close the door as a deep growl resounded. I froze but Brian didn't seem to notice as he shut the door and turned the key. I swore I hadn't been dreaming. It was definitely a growl I had heard out there. Did they have some dog lurking around? Probably, but that growl was certainly deep...and familiar. I shook the feeling creeping up my back, pushed the thought out of my mind and followed Brian.

Mia tugged on my hand and I looked down at her questioningly, "Pig, I heard a sound outside." I blinked twice before slowly nodding, "So you heard it too...I'll ask Stacy if she has a dog, don't worry." 

Mia smiled and proceeded to walk beside me. My mind drifted to the creature that was outside. There was no doubt I hadn't been dreaming and I truly hoped it was just some ferocious dog.

All thoughts of dangerous creatures flew out of my mind as we entered the huge living room. It was beautiful! My eyes grew wide at the huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The decor was modern- a grey and white scheme and a big TV stood proudly in the middle. Brian led us up the royal-looking stairs with its red and gold lining. Mia stumble in front of me in a daze. If I hadn't been caught up in a daze myself I would have laughed at Mia.

As we approached a bright pink door I could hear girly squeals and giggles. Rolling my eyes, I knew that it was Stacy and Beverly. Brian entered the room as if he was the owner of the place and the girls squealed.

"Brian! How dare you?! What if we were changing?" Stacy snapped as he shrugged.

"You're not changing so who cares. I've brought a guest," he stepped sideways and the two girls' faces morphed into grins as they saw me and my little sister. I could practically see the wheels turning in Stacy's head as she glanced at us. I had a very bad feeling that I was going to be transformed tonight. Maybe I should have worn slightly girlish clothes so that she went smooth on me. At least Mia will love this...

I watched anxiously as Brian started to close the door behind him, leaving me trapped with two hysterical girls and my sister. At the last moment he turned his head, grinned sheepishly and then whispered, "I'll come for you later."

My heart soared with renewed hope but then got crushed again as I realised that I wasn't supposed to approach Brian tonight- I had promised Blake. Why hadn't I just crossed my fingers?! Damn, Blake and his freaking handsome face putting me in this situation!

"Let's play DRESS-UP!!!" Beverly and Stacy screeched and clapped like clowns. My sister giggled and joined them on the bed. My face fell and I wondered why I had come here in the first place. Obviously tonight was going to be my doom! Before I could protest, Stacy had pulled me into her walk-in closet and I had never been so scared in my life.

From dresses to underwear, rows and rows of sparkling pink clothes stood before me.

I was going to die.

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