Chapter Twenty-Two ✓

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Chapter Twenty-Two

(Edited by: Sara_Lovee1D. Thank you so much :D)

Arran's POV:

After parking my car, I got out and lifted her carefully. I won't lie and say that she is as light as a feather. I guess the curves I admire so much add a little extra weight. Or maybe it's because I feel like absolute shit. My whole body was aching. Who ever thinks dancing and kissing in the rain is cute, then wait for the effects afterward. They are fucking adorable.

She nuzzled her head in my neck causing me to still. Why is she making this so hard? I'm trying my best to stay as far away as I can yet here she is, in my arms. It seems like it is impossible to stay away from her. As weird it sounds, I feel like there is a strong pull towards her.

With hazy vision, I laid her on my bed softly. After calling the doctor, I called Martin to cancel the appointment. I was really looking forward to this appointment. Martin was going to tell me if the land I had in mind was worth this dream project or not. I wanted to help children who are suffering from Autism and Asperger syndrome. Ever since we found out Belle, my niece, is suffering from Asperger Syndrome, I wanted to do something for her. Not many people are aware of autism and this project was to raise awareness and help the children. Some people might consider children with autism as freaks or mental when the reality is they are just as normal as we all are. They just need some more time to process the information in their brain.

I sighed irately and rescheduled the appointment. Martha came in shortly after and told me that our family doctor, Dr Welch, is here. He is one of my father's closest friends. When we were little, my brother and I used to visit him a lot just for sweets and candy. He used to treat us like his own sons so we were very fond of him. I allowed him and his assistant inside my room and his eyes widened when he saw Emberly in my bed. I briefly told him how she fainted and how her body felt like it was on fire.

"You've not knocked her up, have you son?" He chuckled, taking his thermometer out of his briefcase. Classic Dr Welch.

I narrowed my eyes yet stopped myself from saying anything. I was glad he was here in such short notice. He soon turned serious and checked her pulses and eyes. He kept saying something to his assistant, which I couldn't comprehend. I sat down on the couch feeling my head hurt. I closed my eyes briefly when I felt a soft hand on my forehead. Acting purely on my instincts, I held the hand tightly. I opened my eyes only to find Dr Welch's assistant smiling down at me. I let go of her hand and sighed. I don't feel like dealing with her right now. She muttered something under her breath and took another thermometer and before I could object, she shoved it under my tongue.

"Seems like you both have the fever." Dr Welch told me, after checking the thermometer that was inside my mouth.

"Why did she faint?" I questioned him, worriedly. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing to worry about son, she didn't take any medicines and she worked her body way too much. You both need plenty of rest. Keep drinking clear fluid to prevent the body becoming dehydrated. I'm prescribing you some tablets; keep taking them every two hours. I'll get someone to deliver it to you. Just take care and keep her comfortable." He instructed me and I nodded my head.

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