Finchel Love

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Archive : I dont own glee or any of the characters. Im not Ryan Murphy. And i dont own Fox either. Please Read and Review! Hope you Like It.

Chapter 1 Caught red handed

Rachel's POV

Its morning already. It feels like just yesterday it was Friday and I had the whole weekend to myself well not entirely. My dads were out of town for their standard business trips, and I don't really like staying in the house all alone. So ever since Finn and I got together almost a year ago I might add, he would tell his mom he was staying the weekend at Pucks house and he'd come stay with me instead. Normally this works... well it had worked for the last 5 months, until this weekend. I'm confusing you let me start from Friday at school.

I was walking to my locker when I saw Finn standing there waiting for me. He looked happy he was giving me his special melt your heart smile.

"Hey Baby" I said when I approached him with a warm smile

"Hey Sorry about this morning" he said sounding sad

"What about this morning" I said not understanding

"About me not being able to pick you up for school since I had an early morning study session" he said

"That's Fine, my dad's dropped me off on their way to the airport, I'm just happy you're going to study sessions I'm very proud of you" I said shyly

"Wait what go back, your dads are out of town this weekend" he said with a devilish grin on his face

"Yeah, did I inot mention it?" I asked in a confused but sexy tone

"No you didn't, do you need company this weekend?" Finn said touching my arm, sending shivers up my back

"Yes" I said as he leaned up and kissed me

"Get a Room!" We both heard Noah Call Out

"Get a girlfriend and you'll understand Puck" Finn said flipping him off

"I have One remember?" Puck yelled back waking away

Despite what happened last year between Me, Puck, Finn, and Quinn. We have all become one family; we do everything together and have a close relationship. Puck and Quinn are dating and have been ever since all that baby drama. And Quinn and I became Very Good friend's actually best friends. We just talked things out and put our differences behind us.

Finn grabbed my hand and we walked off to glee practice with Quinn and Puck.

As Soon as We walked into Glee we all sat down in our usally seats. Finn and I top row with Puck and Quinn next to us on the top row.

"When are you coming over today after school" I whispered and saw Pucks eyes shot up in my direction

"Really Guys, we don't need BabyGate part 2" I heard Puck Say, having all eyes on me and Finn

"One to talk Noah, last time I checked you were the cause of Babygate part 1" I said Finn high fived me giving Puck a dirty look.

The Rest of the class was staring at me and Finn when Kurt had the balls to ask the Question "Rachel Are you Pregnant"

Finns Face Lit up shocked

"NO" I screamed

"I'm not pregnant, just Noah wishing he wasn't the only screw up in this glee club" I said staring Noah down and reassuring Finn I wasn't Pregnant

"Ouch that hurt Berry" I heard Noah say under his breath

"Really puck you want to hear pain, try childbirth" Quinn said with a mad face "That's Pain"

We all laughed and then Mr. Shue started the lesson. I wasn't really paying attention I was to busy giggling as Finn tickled me the whole time. Then I heard him whisper something in my ear.

"I'll tell Mr. Shue that I have to go to the bathroom, then in 2 minutes tell him you forgot something in your locker and meet me in the auditorium"

"Okay" I whispered back

"MR SHUE". Finn stood up " I need to go to the bathroom I left my football jacket in there and I need to give it to Coach RIGHT NOW" Finn said sounding concerned

"Okay Finn Calm Down Go ahead, where just going to spend the rest of glee talking so nothing to miss, but don't take to long"

I watched Finn leave thinking about why he wanted me to go to the auditorium. Then I realized it had been 2 minutes and I needed to leave to.

I stood up and said "Mr. Shue I need to go to my locker because I just realized Finn left his Football Jacket in my locker and is probably lost looking for it"

"Alright Rachel Go ahead, but no funny business, seeing as if you and Finn are both going to be gone..." He said giving me this look

"Mr. Shue I don't know if you should trust them, there like rabbits and will go at it anytime any place" Santana said staring down Rachel

"Excuse me? That's so not true" Rachel said defending herself

"No its true" said Kurt "At home I can't get any peace without walking into a room and seeing a Finchel make out scene, I've caught them in Finns room, MY room, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, the bathroom, and even on top of a washing machine?" He said

I was standing there blushing because I couldn't belevie he had sseen us all those times

"Well Kurt I'll have you know that's all true" The class screamed "EW" "BUT" I said "doesn't it make it alittle gross that your watching and keeping track!"

"Enough" Mr. Schue said "Rachel You and Finn have 20 minutes before I send people looking for you"

"Alright thank you and thanks a lot Kurt and Sanatana" I said

"19 minutes.." Mr. shue chimmned in

"AGH" I yelled

While I was gone I was sure they were discussing what a finchel make out scene looked like and more places its happened.

" Finn" I said as I walked into the auditorium

"Hey Rach , what took so long" He replied

"Sorry Kurt decided to tell all the members of the glee club where we makeout" I said scrunching my nose

"Ahh, im gonna get him" Finn said angrily

"Finn not now we only have 15 minutes, what did you want" I said curiously

"Nothing , " I was cut off

"WHAT FINN HUDSON! Glee is important.." I said before I got cut off

"Let me finish." Finn said "I just wanted alone time to kiss you" he said Shyly "you look so cute today in your little short plaid skirt and your low cut purple shirt" he said

"Finn. That's so nice but we have all weekend to kiss" I said

"Yeah but it was so boring in there" Finn said dissipointed

"I know, here ill give you a 5 minute sneak peek of tonight but then were leaving" I said in a quiet voice as he laided me down on the stage floor

"Okay but no talking" Finn said

The kissing was getting heavy and I lost track of time so I pulled out my cell phone to see that we had 3 minutes to get back to glee club and I had to fix my clothes and my hair.

"Finn shit, we have to go or less well get in trouble" I said pulling down my skirt

"Ah. We only got to second base" he said sad

"That's more than you need for a sneak peek" I said running out the door

We made it back to glee and when we entered it was almost like a walk of shame , only half way back to our seats Noah yelled "Finn I think your shirts on inside out"

"Oh crap" Finn said face Turing red

"Guys I trusted you" Mr. Shue said

"We did nothing wrong Mr. . Shue" Rachel said embarrassed

"Yeah really when I went to turn in my jacket Coach had me try on a football shirt and we realized we were going to be late so I through my shirt on and ran" Finn said proud of his excellent excuse

"Oh I'm sorry guys" Mr. Shue said "I shouldn't have doubted you two"

We sat down and Finn whispered in my ear "I can't believe he bought that"

"He didn't" Puck said "He knows you to made out since Rachel's hair is no longer in a ponytail and its screwed up"

"Maybe he didn't notice" I said embarrassed

"I did" Mr. Shue came over and said "next time make up a better excuse and fix your hair Rachel"

The whole class laughted .

When Glee was over, Me and Finn went our separate ways to classes. After the day was over he walked me out and gave me a ride home.

When we pulled up in my driveway he said "I'll be back at 8 right after football and I'll come over" he said winking and kissed me goodbye

"Can't wait" I said exiting the car

I turned around to see Finn starting at my butt as I walked up the steps to my house

"Are you really going to stare at my but Finn Hudson" I asked

"As long as you're wearing that short tight skirt I am" he said "I own that butt"

I giggle and walk up the last step pretending to drop my books so I can bend over

I hear him say "Oh you're going to play this way"

"Ill see you at 8" I said after picking up my books and blowing him a kiss

He pulled out of my driveway and I watched him drive down the street, I walked inside my house seeing nobody was home and I set down my books. I figured I would have time to bake Finn his favorite chocolate cookies order him pizza and slip on something a little more comfortable. I went upstairs while the cookies where in the oven and cleaned my room alittle and went into my closet slipping on my super short pajama shorts a tank top and knee high socks. I mean I had to keep some of my skin covered up. At 730 the door bell rang and I payed for the pizza and set it up in the living room. But then at 755 I heard the dorrbell ring again not knowing who it was?

"hello who is it" I said from the other side of the door

"Its kurt open up" he said

"Oh Okay" I said alitle confused and sad because I didn't want kurt to be here when finn got here and ruin the mood

"Oh wow Rachel you look... in better words like a slut" kurt said looking at her from top to bottom.

"What do you need Kurt" I said

"Well Finns staying at Puck's house tonight so I can only imagine who are you putting a show on for?" he said

"No one Kurt these are my P.J.s" I said irritated

"Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to sing a duet in glee" He said

I said "yes of course" pushing him out the door and into his car

"Well do you want practice?" Kurt asked curisously

"No" I said "If you most know I have other plans"

"Oh allright" kurt said "Ill just go to Puck's house and see if Finns there"

"NO!" I said "Fine if you most no everytime my parents are away and finn says hes going to Puck's house he comes over here and stays the weekend with me"

"WHAT?" Kurt yells

"Please don't tell anyone kurt" I said begging

"I wont...." He says

"Thank you, now leave" I say pushing him into his car

At about 830 Finn arrives to my house showered and with his sleepover bag. I open the door and wrap my legs around him hugging him and kissing him and telling him I love him.

"Hey Rach" He said

"Hey Baby, I ordered pizza and made you cookies I also got that movie you really wanted to see" I said

I can see his face light up and he looks so happy!

"That's awesome Rach, thank you so much, let's eat and watch the movie" he said in the most excited and happy voice.

Yeah maybe I don't want to watch this boy action movie but its not like I would be able to focus on a movie I liked if I was spooning with the love of my life as he was stroking my back and kissing my head.

"This was really nice of you Rach." He said quietly

"You're welcome finny bear" I say quietly drifting off to sleep

"Its almost midnight do you want to go upstairs and laydown you look tired" Finn says as I fall asleep

"Yeah" I say drowsy and under my breath

He carries me upstairs and lays me down and gets in bed right next to me. I can't help but cling to him and burry my head into his chest. I love sleeping next to him because his huge body heat drifts onto me and makes me feel warm and safe. He kisses my head and I lean up and kiss him goodnight.

The morning came sooner than later and that's when it all went down hill from there...

I wake up to the sound of fighting and yelling all I can make out is "Rachel barabra berry . grounded, get up " then I realize whats happening.

I shoot out of bed luckly fully clothed and so his finn because truthfully nothing happened last night.

"Dad its not what it looks like" I say, then I turn to Finn as he wakes up shocked because hes seeing what Is happening too.

"Oh My God" Finn said "Mr. & Mr. Berry its not what it looks like we didn't do anything I swear"

"Dad , Daddy Finn is telling the truth nothing happened.! I was scared last night and I had him come over and stay with me till I feel asleep and I guess he feel asleep too"

"So your telling me that you had your boyfriend over last night to sleep with you , when you could have called Quinn or Mercedes or Kurt to come over" My Daddy Yells

"It wouldn't be the same I needed Finn hes the only one that can put me to sleep" I stop realizing what I just said

"How would you know he can put you to sleep, are you implying that this has happened before" my Dad Says

"No dad of course not" I say "But I have fallen asleep during a movie with him"

"Shes Not lying Nothing happened" Finn says Scared "were fully clothed we didn't even make out"

"FINN" I shout "Come On Dad don't be Mad"

"Im not mad Rachel" Her dad said "Im disappointed"

"Ah. Well whats my punishment?" I ask

"We called Finns mom and shes mad that Finn lied to her, so we both decided that you 2 cant hangout afterschool or during the weekend for 2 weeks, unless you have school work or glee work you need to do together, and in that case we will watch you to do that work" My dad says

"WHAT" I scream "that's so not fair"

"Rach. Its okay we can still see eachother during glee and we deserve this punishment" finn says

"Finn, its no time to play kiss ass" I yell

"RACHEL BERRY" My Daddy yells "would you like to make it 3 weeks"

"HELL NO" I Say "This is fine, ill walk you to your car finn"

"Alright" Finn mumbles disappointed

We walk out to his car talking about how mad we are and how they are never gonna trust us again. Right before hes about to leave I kiss him and it gets pretty intense. Before I knew it I was nailed to the side of his car and his hands were on the sides of my breast. I knew it had to stop but it was the last time I could really kiss him for 2 weeks. Then my dads walked out screaming at us and Finn jumped in his car embarrasses and drove off saying he loved me as he drove out of the driveway.

I knew these next 2 weeks were going to be hell.

We will find a way.

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