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Alison's POV

All around me were pictures of girls. The room's wall was covered in photo after photo of girls.

"These are all the friends that my family has ever met," Melanie said leading me deeper into the room.

All of the photos had girls around my age with fake smiles plastered on their faces. Some of them almost looked sincere, but I could still see the terrified look in their eyes.

"This one is my favorite so far," Melanie said pointing to a photo of a girl with short curly hair.

"Her name was Lea, and she was always so nice!" Melanie added putting her hand on the photo.

In the photo Lea and Melanie were hugging, but I could see the discomfort Lea had towards Melanie.

"What happened to Lea?" I asked turning away from the photo.

"She tried to escape," Melanie giggled.

I cringed at Melanie's happiness towards Lea's death. I couldn't wait to find that hidden weapon, and stab every single person in this sick twisted family.

"I'll show you my least favorite," Melanie said suddenly grabbing my hand.

She tugged me over to a photo of a girl with her dirty blond hair up in a bun at the top of her head.

"She tried to commit suicide three times, and she tried to escape twice," Melanie growled at the picture.

"Why didn't you just kill her after her first failed escape attempt?" I muttered.

Melanie spun around and glared at me.

"My father wanted her to suffer even more, I too wanted to kill her, but Daddy wouldn't let me," Melanie snarled.

I was taken back by Melanie's sudden anger. Melanie didn't even bother to tell me the name of the girl, I guess she didn't even deserve to be known.

"But I also have another surprise!" Melanie piped up.

I raised a eyebrow.

"I'm going to add you to the wall!" She grinned.

I smiled, but I could feel my whole body tense up. I wanted nothing to do with this sick family.

"Daddy, get the camera please!" Melanie hollered.

"Coming pumpkin!" Harry yelled back.

"So, aren't you excited?" Melanie grinned.

"Of course, I can't wait!" I cheered.

Melanie jumped up and down while we waited for Harry to come with the camera.

Harry opened the door and he walked in holding a small camera.

"Alright girls hug and smile!" Harry said positioning the camera.

Melanie bear hugged me, and I tentatively wrapped my arms around her arms circling my torso.

"Alright smile!" Harry said.

I tried to smile as best as I could, but I was absolutely terrified.

I heard the click of the camera signaling that Harry took the photo. He looked at the camera and smiled at the photo he took.

"Perfect girls! Hopefully Erin and Fallon will be up on the wall soon!" Harry smiled.

He walked out of the room leaving me and Melanie alone in the room.

"Well, let's go back up to my room," Melanie said grabbing my wrist.

She yanked me through the hallways and up the stairs and back into her room.

Melanie closed the door behind me and locked it with a click.

I walked into the room to see Fallon on Melanie's bed. She was on her back shirtless, but bandages wrapped around her torso. Fallon was sound asleep until we walked in.

"Hey guys," Fallon said weakly.

"Hi Fallon it's nice to see you awake!" Melanie said walking over to the bed.

Fallon weakly lifted her head up and tried to smile back at Melanie, but it looked more like a grimace.

"Don't worry you can stay there," Melanie smiled brushing the hair out of  Fallon's eyes.

I followed Melanie to the edge of the bed and smiled at Fallon. I grasped her hand and tried to tell her with my eyes that everything will be okay, but she just stared at me.

"Has Erin gotten up yet?" Melanie asked Fallon.

"I haven't heard her since I've been up here," Fallon said shaking her head weakly.

Melanie got up from the edge of the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

"Erin?" Melanie called opening the door.

I came up behind Melanie and stared at the bathroom floor.

Mallory looked deathly pale, and nothing moved. Her eyes where cloudy and she stared off into the distance.

Melanie got down and crawled up to Mallory and carefully placed her hands on Mallory's neck.

She took her hand off of Mallory's neck and froze.

"No pulse," she whispered.

Cliffhanger again hehehe ;)

Omg but thank you so much for 400+ reads and 50+ votes!

More drama is coming up in the next chapter I promise :D

Thanks for reading!

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