Fri, Jan 6

529 42 2

let's question each other's existence,
when i was drowning and you were rocketing
when i was far in the dessert and you were stood by the arctic
let's walk backward then,
maybe i'd bump another ships and maybe you'd head home
maybe i'd be starving to death and maybe you'd be sleeping to dreams
and that's it,
i realized we were never meant to be
we aren't what was carved on the tree or inked on the skin
we aren't a part of those jigsaw pieces
we aren't the moon or the sun
we aren't adam and eve trying to find each other because there used to be nothing other than faith
i believe you'll be fine somewhere out there
i  believe you'll find your second head out there
and i believe you'll bury what was used to be ours six feet under
so right now i'm telling you and myself,
that even though we dance, we dance away
that even though we fall, we fall apart
you have found your purposes and excuses for leaving,
now it's my turn to find
my wanderer mind and my goner soul


CHARCOAL - ziamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt