Chapter 5....

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Sorry If it has mistakes in it! I was in a rush. Also SORRY for late update!! But hope you like it!!!

Happy Reading!



Ashton freaking Miller! I had danced, gone home, kissed and slept in the same bed as the most famous bachelor and richest man in New York. Never mind that he saved me from being hurt. I sat there staring at the computer screen still in shock.

"Damn girl! You slept with a millionaire!" Kacey shouted in my face.

"Kacey! I did not sleep with him, we actually slept." I said, making sure she got that I didn't have sex with Ashton.

"Whatever. You still slept with him." She said looking at me. "You actually did something interesting, I'm kind of proud."

'What do you mean 'I actually did something interesting'?" I asked insulted.

"Come on Lay! You know it's true. You haven't done anything interesting since... Never! Not even in college. This could be something that could turn into something great." She said, clearly convinced that she was right.

"Kay that could never happen. He has definitely forgotten about me by no. Plus, I don't even know him at all."

"Lay-." She started saying, but I cut her off.

"-Kacey, come on. I need to get ready for work." I said getting up and heading to my closet to get out my work uniform.

"Layla, you won't know unless you try." Was all she said, as she stood up, wrapped an arm around me in a side hug then left my room. I stood there for a minute thinking about what she said. She may be right, but I won't be 'trying' anything out. It would never work out anyways. Sighing, I changed into my work uniform and went to put my hair up into a ponytail.

My work uniform consisted of a black skirt - a short one I might add - and a tight black shirt that showed a tad too much cleavage for my liking. Somehow the uniform passed as presentable for such a high rate restaurant. Slipping on my high heels - also part of the uniform - I started on my makeup. I didn't put much on, just a light layer of foundation, a swipe of my mascara, and a little eye shadow.

Walking out of my room I quickly looked around for my phone. Looking on the couch, the counter, and even under pillows I couldn't find it.

"Kay, have you seen my phone?" I called out to her.

"I haven't!" She yelled from her room. Sighing, I gave up looking knowing I wouldn't have time to search anymore. Grabbing my jacket, it was starting to get cold with winter coming up, and my purse.

"I've got to go Kacey, I'll see you around five or so." I yelled as I made my way out the door. I heard her yell bye as I shut the door. I turned and made my way out of my apartment building. Pulling my jacket closer around me I called for a taxi.

Getting in a taxi, I rested my head against the window. Suddenly, a realization occurred to me, I left my phone at Ashton's! Shit! I don't have time to go get it from him and I don't quite remember how to get back to his place. Furthermore, I didn't know his number to call him and see if I can somehow met up with him to get it. Looks like I'm either going to have to buy a new phone, or somehow reach Ashton to get mine back. Sighing I ran my hand over my ponytail. The taxi came to a stop outside of the restaurant, The River Café. It was sort of small, but it had one of the best views in the whole city. It sat beside the river and overlooked the city from a far. It was a real romantic spot that I wished someone would bring me to.

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