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In English, "should" acts as an auxiliary verb to show a suggestive tone of action. While I am hesitant to call this a tense, Duolingo generally refers to this as the Modal lesson, so I will call it that here. Then I will discuss the perfect form in the next chapter. 

Deber operates just like any other verb, and it's used with the infinitive of the second after. Here are the conjugations and the examples.

Yo: Debo

Tú: Debes

Él, ella, ud: Debe

Nosotros: Debemos

Vosotros: Debéis 

Ellos/ellas, uds: Deben


Debo estar a la playa con mi familia. |I should be at the beach with my family.

Debes quedar como mi amigo, aunque no te amo. |You should stay as my friend, though I do not love you.

Él debe baila con ella, porque ellos les aman. |He should dance with her, because they love each other.

Debemos hacer nuestro quehaceres. |We should do our chores.

Deben comer antes de la juega. |They should eat before the game.

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