Team Bonding. Or Not.

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Sorry about not updating for two months... I want to say I won't let it happen again, but we all know that would be a lie.

And this update might not exactly compensate for the lack of recent activity.



"This is lame."

Kid Flash grinned in response to Robin's complaint. "Trust me, this is WAY better than some of the other exercises we've done. A couple of them were excruciating."

Robin chuckled, dangling by his knees from a tree branch. "I'll bet they were."

"What're you even doing up there?" Artemis asked with some audible disdain.

"Waiting for you guys to make up your minds. How are we going to do this?" When they didn't answer, he dropped down from the branch and continued, "We need a strategy. How about I go on the offensive, Zippy is defensive, and Artsy is flex."

"Flex?" she asked, her confusion evident in her expression.

He shrugged. "You know, whatever works. Whatever we need."

"Wouldn't I be better on the offensive?" Kid Flash argued. "And what did you just call me?"

Ignoring his second question, Robin smirked. "I won't get caught."

Kid Flash crossed his arms. "Does it look like I'll get caught?" He briefly vanished, then reappeared holding a small branch from the pine tree a hundred yards away. "I'd like to see-- Robin?" The teen was gone.

Creepy laughter echoed around them. "Our three minutes' planning time is up."

Artemis grinned at the speedster. "Have fun defending!" She ran off to patrol the area.

The newly dubbed 'Zippy' huffed and glared at the red flag he now had to guard. "Of course."

Artemis stopped in the shade between two rather large oaks, staring at the river that served as the border between their sides, searching for any sign of movement. She had an arrow on the drawstring and her bow half-drawn and ready to fire.

A quiet rustling from somewhere above her drew her attention to the trees above her. She took careful aim at a slight movement of the branches and almost yelped when a voice issued forth from just behind her.

"Whatcha aiming at?" Robin asked in his annoyingly chipper voice.

Artemis glared at him. "Very funny, Boy Wonder."

He grinned back. "So you've heard my nicknames, then."

She sighed. "Robin, since we're alone now--"

He couldn't keep himself from smirking. "Gee, Artemis, I didn't know you were that kind of girl."

Her mouth opened for a cutting response, but then she noticed his expression. After a short moment of quietly seething, she finally said, "I need to talk to you."

The boy crossed his arms. "About what? Because I can hear the flag gloating."

"I know you."

He smirked again. "Do you now?"

"Yes. And I know you recognized me, too."

His head tilted to the side. "Oh, do tell."

"Sportsmaster and Deathstroke once worked together on a contract. While they did their thing, they left their... proteges to their own devices."

"And...?" he prompted.

"We played Leagues together. I made you be the Justice League, and I was the League of Evil."

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