2.11 Learn To Fly

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There was hardly any issue attaining the cultivation stage of Martial-Artist for YuLan and the other girls who were admitted at around the same time. Over the past years, they had steadily stepped into the cultivation path, became Establisheds, and steadily progressed to be Martial-Artists. While most of them became novice Martial-Artists, YuLan, Xiao Zi, and Zhen Zhu soon advanced their cultivation to be mid-tier Martial-Artists.

Although it sounded simple and still within the same rank, normally it involved long years of secluded meditation and training, to advance from a novice to a mid-tier. It would become even more difficult to progress to a high-tier Martial-Artist. At the moment, only Cao Lu tethered at that level, continuously and diligently training to prepare herself for the Enlightened rank. This could happen years later, or even decades. Only time would tell.

Nevertheless, as Martial-Artists, the girls were now eligible to be taught the most basic but incredibly useful skill for a cultivator.

Zhu Hong and Hu Lan were the two Sages in charge of teaching the disciples the way of qing-gong (1).

However, although initially everyone was excited, soon they found out that this light-step lesson was probably one that the teenage disciples hated the most, considering the method the two Sages used.

Every end of day, when dusk approached, this was the time the yin lake brimmed with the purest of yin energy. At this time, the Sages summoned all of the disciples to gather on top of a hill overlooking the lake.

Every dusk, Zhu Hong and Hu Lan drilled the same theory over and over again towards the disciples.

"You must not let your mind think faster than your inner-qi flow. As soon as your foot touches the air, make the energy pool beneath your first steeping foot, then to the other, then re-do it all over again. It must be as thoughtless and natural as breathing."

"Now that you know how to regulate your qi, you have the capability to do this. This will become second nature to you in time."

"The air has substance. It is extremely light, but with proper regulation of your inner-qi, it could very well be as hard and steady as the ground. The idea is to make your fleshly body lighter than the invisible substance we normally call air."

Then the Sages ruthlessly asked each and everyone of the teenage girls to jump.

They planned to keep doing that until everyone of them was capable of flight, and not plunging into the yin lake below.

For the new Martial-Artists with unsteady and mostly unpurified qi, this was torture. Although it was not as painful as when they were first admitted into the sect, at their current cultivation level, they were still incapable of fully protecting their body from the freezing property of the yin lake.

For many nights of the months, the girls could only do the single thing normal humans would do: step one foot off the hill's edge, then fall straight into the water. Then they would spend the rest of the night meditating inside their rooms, trying to stabilize their qi that had been attacked by the yin lake before.

In short, it was a daily torment for everyone, apart for YuLan. As she did not feel the slightest discomfort being submerged inside the yin lake even for the longest of times, she thought that she should just concentrate on actually flying.

"When there is no fear, one can focus on the task at hand."

"Flying. Should be easy, right?"

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