Chapter 19: Ronan

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"Hey, asshole."

I'm lying on my bed and feeling sorry for myself when Finn's voice drags me out of my stupor. "What the fuck is it now, Fish?" I demand. I don't put any particular effort into my words, I just let them fall flat in the air; lacking any heat or bite. I've been feeling more aware of my current lameness than usual lately. All I want to do is nothing at all.

Finn answers my question with a question. "Why weren't you at lunch? The counselors were giving speeches."

"I'm tired," I say, yawning for effect. "And I wasn't hungry."

"So? That doesn't mean you're allowed to miss lunch. You could get in major trouble if the counselors catch you skipping."

"Good thing I didn't get caught, then."

"Just because you didn't get in trouble for breaking the rules doesn't mean you're not still breaking them. Also, you're not just screwing over yourself by skipping. Karen is making me miss lunch because you couldn't bother to show up. Not that you'd care— apparently the only person that matters to you is yourself."

I roll my eyes at him. "Spare me the dramatics, Fish. Besides, why do you care so much about missing lunch? I thought you were an egalitarian or some shit."



Finn shoves a hand into the pocket of his jeans. He draws out an envelope and sticks it in my face. "Here. Take it and get this over with."

"What is it?"

"Your mail, idiot. You weren't at lunch so I had to collect it for you."

My head lifts off the pillow. I didn't think I'd get mail.

"Thanks," I say.

Finn gives me a scrutinizing look. "You're welcome, weirdo."

"I said 'thanks'. What's so weird about 'thanks'?"

"You're never that polite."

"I am very fucking polite. Now, can I pretty-pretty-please have my letter?"

Finn throws the envelope at me. I check the return address: Manhattan. Just like that, all my exhaustion drains away. Now I know who sent me the letter. And it definitely wasn't Sabrina.

"Is it from your parents?" Finn asks.

"I don't have parents. I was raised by wolves."

"Clearly, judging by your manners."

I tear my eyes away from the letter. Finn is still standing next to my bed, staring at me like he's expecting something. An apology, maybe. Or at least another argument.

"Can I help you?" I snap.

"Probably not."

"Then fuck off."

Finn wanders back over to his side of the room and sits down on his cot. He's still staring at me, though. I don't know what he wants. I don't understand anybody at this camp.

"Who's Jesse Brooks?"

I do a double-take. "How the hell do you know that name?"

"You can see his signature through the envelope."

"Reading other people's mail is a felony, you know. I could have you arrested for that."

Finn blushes slightly. "I wasn't trying to read your mail, moron. It was an accident. He wrote in dark ink."

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