(63): Kim To His Kanye

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"Kyle. Wake up" I shake him but to no avail. The guy sleeps like a dang baby.

I sigh as I retract my phone from under the pillow and look at the time. 02:54. Why the hell can't I sleep? It's the middle of the night, for crying out loud. I've been tossing and turning the whole time and I can't take it anymore. I need someone to keep me company or I'll lose my mind.

I shake the big baby again "Kyle!"

He starts to squirm and I smile victoriously as his eyes slowly flutter open in confusion.

"What? Did something happen?" His voice is hoarse and I have to hold myself from literally drooling over how sexy he sounds.

I shake my head "No"

"Then why the fuck did you wake me up?" He demands annoyed causing me laugh.

I pout "I can't sleep"

He rubs his eyes vigorously, trying to wake himself up before narrowing them at me "Why did you wake me up?" He asks again.

"I can't sleep" I whine loudly.

"It's the middle of the night, Chelsea-Anne" He informs dryly shaking his head against the pillow "What do you want me to do?"

I shrug leaning on his chest "Speak to me"

"You will be the death of me" He sighs looking down at me as he pinches the bridge of his nose muttering incoherent words under his breath.

I should feel bad for waking the poor guy up, but this whole thing is just honestly way too hilarious for me. He's cute.

"Lighten up" I tease giggling.

"Baby, please sleep" He pleas desperately; coaxing me and I shake my head "I'm so tired. Why are you doing this?"

"I miss you" I pout childishly.

"I miss you too but it doesn't mean you must wake me up in the middle of the night" He complains and I almost feel bad but not quite.

"I'm sorry"

He just breathes a laugh "Are you? Are you really?"

"No" I snort causing us both to laugh.

He brushes hair from my face as he looks to admire me, a small smile playing on his pink lips "You're lucky you're beautiful"

"No, you're lucky" I wink smirking.

"Good lord" He sighs amused "This is not what I signed up for"

"Why have you been avoiding everyone?" I ask suddenly, curious and concerned as I look up at him from under my lashes.

He furrows his eyebrows "What?"

"Winnie says you've been avoiding them"

He sighs "I wasn't avoiding them; I just wanted to be alone. I knew they'd be speaking about you half the time and I didn't think I'd be able to stomach it"

"Oh" I drawl "So you haven't told them about Riley?"


I frown "Why not? They're bound to find out, you know?"

"I know. I'll tell them" He assures.

"Okay" I offer meekly "Hey, guess what?"

He raises a brow "What?"

I giggle before I can even start saying anything "So Winnie was totally jealous today"

"Like how?" He snorts.

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