Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I felt my heart physically stop when those words left that man's lips. I wanted to cry out in pure joy and excitement, but I also didn't want to get my hopes up. I wouldn't be able to cope with another dead lead.

Gabriel's voice echoed through the pack mind link, breaking me from my thoughts. 'All pack warriors and trackers are to meet me outside my home in ten minutes.'

Dan and Eli were in the office within minutes, both ready and prepared. Gabriel had provided them with more information and him and the guys were extracting all the information they needed from the tracker who had discovered Kennedy's location.

Gabriel and Jayden were both scanning through maps on Gabriel's desk with Jayden pinpointing Kennedy's exact location. "Me along with Kellan had both caught a scent from a rogue, we decided to follow it on a hunch. Turned out he was a member of Marcus's rogue pack. It led to an abandoned warehouse a few towns away, it is three hours from here."

"How sure are you that Kennedy is there?" Gabriel questioned, his eyes scanning Jayden's.

"One hundred percent Alpha, her scent and presence were there." Jayden replied strongly and firmly. "Kellan is still there; he is keeping watch on the warehouse from a safe distance. For some reason I was unable to communicate through our pack mind link, we noticed the presence of a spell. He seems to be hiding amongst witch territory."

Gabriel nodded and continued to query him for a few minutes before Dan notified Gabriel of our pack wolves waiting outside, they were all waiting for his command. "Everyone is ready and prepared when you are Gabriel."

Gabriel nodded then looked at Eli. "I need you to contact Blood Walkers and notify them. It would be helpful if we had their backing on this one. Reed and Dylan reassured me of their help last week. Tell them we will meet them there." Gabriel ordered then headed towards the door as everyone began rushing around.

I followed them all closely as we reached the front yard of our house. Wolves filled the clearing, and I was elated with the amount of pack members that stood across from us, prepared to find our daughter.

I stood next to Gabriel as he approached the crowd, the packs attention on him as he spoke with authority and importance. There were around one hundred wolves with around thirty of them being women. All patiently waiting for their Alpha to speak.

"As you are all aware, my daughter has been taken –" A menacing growl rumbled from his throat as he mentioned the kidnapping of our daughter. "We have now located her in a warehouse a few hours away within witch territory. I am unable to secure or guarantee that you will return home or the outcome of what will happen once we get there."

Gabriel continued his speech, but I did not fully listen, I only focussed on our pack and their facial expressions. They were all determined to fight for Kennedy's safety and for their pack members.

Gabriel had been unable to plan the route or a strategy. He was going in blind; he was persistent on getting his daughter back and that was final.

He was not going risk Marcus and Nate moving around again, we knew where they were, and we were not going to leave it for any longer than necessary.

I felt nervous for the pack, I was their Luna, and I didn't want anyone to be injured or killed. But there was advantage with numbers especially against rogues and this was to take my daughter back.

"I am going to split us into two, one in cars and the other in wolf form. The route is mainly woodland, there are parts where you will need to shift back so everyone must be extremely cautious and conscientious that humans are around."

Gabriel split the group up, he made one half go with Eli and the other with Dan. He would be following Dan who was with the larger group that would be shifting.

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