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Tom Landry stared out of the window of the Starbucks in his building, the big glass doors revealed the stressful people that would soon be joining him inside this Starbucks - one of them being his supervisor Michael Dubois. Tom should be happy that he was called to an impromptu meeting outside of the office, it was usually a good thing, but he couldn't care less right now. The world looked grey to him and there was only one place that was full of color: The Cafe. He hadn't dared to stop by but he often drove past it to get a glimpse at the warmth inside. He hadn't seen Aria and strangely enough he hadn't expected to either, he assumed the memories were too much for her as well. 

When he had left her that night, watching her beautiful figure walk away from him, it was so obvious to him what was happening and for the first time he didn't force the thought of it away. He had debated telling her that night but he didn't want to make anything worse or prolong the time he had to be away from her. He assumed she'd wait a week into college before she texted him, just the thought of that made Tom long for that message.

Michael Dubois burst through the wide glass doors with a tired sigh but the second he saw Tom his lips formed into a relieved smile. The line was long enough that Tom had spared them both the waiting time by ordering for both of them. 

"The whole world is stressing out there and in here too it seems; it makes me long for my summer house." Michael stated when he sat down. 

"I ordered us some coffee so we can get right to the point." Tom said in a non-deliberate monotone tone. 

Michael looked at Tom with wonder in his eyes mixed with concern and to not give off any more negative vibes Tom looked down. He just couldn't shake the feeling of sadness and no matter how hard he tried it was always visible for everyone to see. He supposed that this is how he used to look before he got to know Aria; always with his nose pointing toward the keyboard or the computer screen and never sharing a smile with anyone. It was obvious that Michael could see it all re-surface again.

"You lost the girl, didn't you?" Michael said with a comforting smile. 

Tom smiled when he thought of the incredible kiss they had shared before she had left, it sent shivers down his spine to this day and he assumed it always would.

"No I didn't lose her," Tom mumbled, "I let her go." 

Michael leaned forward and frowned at the response that Tom gave him, "You let her go, why on earth would you do something like that?" 

"Because she had to go to college--" Tom said. 

He was tired of glossing over the true reason why they couldn't be together and to lie to Michael by now just seemed silly. It felt good to be transparent with someone and it felt good that it was Michael. He searched for the disgust and the judgment in his eyes but shockingly there was none.

"Tom; you're still in your twenties so whatever judgment you think you'd get from me isn't going to come," Michael smiled and Tom relaxed, "and so what? She's a freshman in college soon, good for her.

Tom drifted off into a bubble that contained only him and Aria and The Cafe. This time the dance didn't have to end, this time they danced like that all night and he trailed kisses along her neck until he reached her collar bone, by then his hand had reached for the zipper of her dress and was working his way down. He usually felt guilty when he thought of her in that way but he couldn't be bothered with the guilt anymore, not when this had progressed further than just attraction. 

"Tom," Michael brought him back to reality, "you're in love with her, am I right?" Michael asked him.

Without hesitation or as much as a blink Tom nodded, "Yes I am, more than I thought possible." 

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