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I keep Rachel in front of me as she runs into up the hill. Something had been following us for the last twenty minutes. Something bit but agile and fast. I hear the growl's echo come closer and Rachel stops, heavily breathing as she looks round.

The moment I see it, my hands get a grip of both knives strapped to my thighs. The teenager girl stands behind me. A green tiger circles us, looking between us but more precisely at me. Now, I'm a Gotham city girl. We may have psychopaths dressed up as clowns and giant bats, but we don't have tigers. So probably fighting a green tiger qualifies as a new level of strange of what my life had become.

But it doesn't attack. Instead he roars and I hear bones cracking. Breaking. Confused, I lower slightly the knives but I keep my guard up. The tiger runs behind some branches. Rachel puts her hand on my arm, making me drop them to my sides when we hear a human gasp.

From behind the branches, the green haired boy from the roller park stands up.

"How-? How did you-?"

"Don't worry. I don't bite."

"Well that's a relief. What the fuck just happened? And who are you?" I ask, raising my arm so he doesn't step closer to us.

"C'mon. I know a place." The boy says and I look at him in disbelief. However Rachel steps towards him, accepting the friendly hand he offers her.

"Rachel, what the hell you think you're doing? Come here." I tell her but she ignores me and keeps on walking down the hill with the strange boy. I groan, hiding the knives again as I start to jog down the hill. "I hate kids."

Five minutes later and we arrive to a shitty beaten down house. It's not much but there's a fire place and the boy –Gar, as he calls himself- starts to make a fire. I stand behind Rachel; eyes trailing the boy's every move as I play with the butterfly knife.

"It's not too far from here. We'll just warm up for a bit"

"What's not far from here? Where are we going?" she finally asks a decent question.

"Somewhere you can chill." He answers and I chuckle.

"Well, Gar, before we go and "chill", you can start explaining how the hell you turn into a green tiger. Also why are you green? And do you usually creep around the woods looking for runaway girls?"

"It's a long story. I don't know why I'm green. And I wasn't creeping; I was running around and heard the explosion. Well- watched it too." he answers sitting next to Rachel when he sees I won't gut him just yet. "You know you're bleeding, right? We have first aid at the house. I'm sure Larry would be glad to help you."

"I'm fine." I tell him and he nods unsure. A hit on the head and some leg pain wasn't bad. Actually it's what I lived with nearly every day. Broken ribs, now that was annoying.

"I can't chill. You don't understand, I'm changing. I can feel it, it's getting worse." Rachel says, her eyes trailing to me before falling back to the fire.

"Well, no worse than the crew I live with. Trust me. We're... special too."

"No shit, you turn into a tiger." I snicker and he chuckles, nodding and offering me a kind smile.

"I'm not special. I'm dangerous. You saw what I did back there. I-"

"And you say what I did back there. I mean she's freaking out." He points to me and Rachel chuckles. "S-Sorry what's your name?"

"Katherine. And not freaking out, but I was ready to cut you open, kid."

"Yeah that wasn't nice. I wasn't going to hurt you."

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