36. Worries Fly Away Like Time

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A few months passed after Ash and Deux left for school.

I begged them to send me letters because well...isn't that what always happens in anime when male leads leave the heroine?

I mean...I know I'm not the heroine...alright?!

I'm not delusional.

I'm the villainess of this otome game world.

...But I can at least pretend to be the protagonist of my own story!


I'm delusional.


Ash and Deux have been sending me letters ever since they left for school.

Today, I received two letters.

I opened the first one slowly and read the contents inside.

Dear Sister,

Writing letters is extremely bothersome and annoying. I don't understand why I have to do this at all.

The only reason I am writing this letter to you is due to the fact that you'll yell at me if I don't, which would be extremely annoying. I am not lying. I hate you.

Going to school has been fine I guess. The professors here are annoying but are more normal than our original tutor, Sir Maddy. I was surprised at first because I believed that all instructors would be pedophilic like Sir Maddy. It turns out that only Sir Maddy is special in this regard.

It also seems that Sir Maddy is quite famous. Everyone knows who he is and they often whisper about him behind my back. Is Sir Maddy really that legendary?

Also, the girls here are annoying just like you.

Is it absolutely necessary for them to sneak up behind me and cling to my shirt?! They act so desperately that it's almost scary. I have to watch my back every hour of the day now thanks to my newfound group of female stalkers.

I'll be fine though.

If any of those girls put their hands on me, I'll just use some of my stealth magic to leave.

Anyway, I hate you. Don't expect another letter.

I hate you,

I chuckled at his poor attempt at insulting me throughout the letter.

It looks like Ash isn't having too much difficulty getting used to his school life...I guess...

In the game, Ash had a few female stalkers...but none of them were as desperate as he was describing in his letter.

I wonder what changed.

I sighed.

I opened up the second letter that I received, which I assumed came from Deux.

I'm doing well.


Would it kill him to send me a long letter?!


But I inwardly smiled.

Short and straight to the point.

That's exactly how Deux always speaks.

I tossed the two letters onto my bed and ran outside of my room.

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