Chapter thirteen

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Moments like this, you really can see the irony in a situation. I had swore to make him suffer, but now I am the one with a gun to my head. 

The tip of the barrel presses firmly to the side of my head. My heart beats out of my chest. He has his arm now on my shoulder, steadying me as if I am going to faint. I might. 

"What are you going to do now? Hmm" His voice tickles my ear. 

I suddenly feel cold, even though I am wearing a jacket and long pants, not to mention my gloves. The air in here has thinned out, making it impossible to breathe. 

Okay, Heidi, think.

I am staring at three men. Zane's saviors. Does he know about his brother's death? 

Sure, I can easily escape his grasp, but what about them. They will surely pounce before I get a chance to react. 

There has to be a way out...

As an answer to my silent prayers, I hear a low growl from behind me and Zane. Tyler has regained his strengths. Zane whips us around to face the black wolf. His red eyes burn with relentless fury. 

I hear Zane scoff, "Not you again," He moves the gun from my head to point it at the wolf.

At this moment I want to cower behind Zane, or just run for my life. The wolf is staring directly into my eyes. Zane is just going to be collateral damage when he is done with me. 

Another growl. Zane cocks the gun, ready to shoot.

In an instant, Tyler launches at us, his claws sinking deep into my sensitive skin. I open my eyes and I am on the ground. Zane lets go of me and stands to face the beast. 

"I've defeated you twice now." Zane wipes a small tear of blood from his mouth, glaring at the wolf. "Must I do it again?" He cocks an eyebrow. 

His men step in front of me, as ready backup whenever Zane needs.

I've seen the battles. The winner is clear in this situation. But now is my chance to escape since Zane and his men are distracted. 

I scramble to my feet the second Tyler launches himself back onto Zane. I run up the stairs faster than the speed of light. 

All I know is Zane has decided he wants his own revenge and I need to escape.Now.

I burst through the doors, running up more levels of stairs. You know, we should really get an elevator. 

Another door swings open and I am in the security room. It is vacated. Where is everybody? With shaky hands I swipe my badge on the keypad. The exit sign glows red above my head.

I hear a rumbling roar, sending shivers down my spine. 

I throw the door open, leading into the hallway. I am so close to the exit, freedom is on the tip of my tongue. 

I hear a few bangs behind me. Zane is at the door. I bring my pace to a run. This hallway seems to stretch for miles and I run towards the final door in the distant. 

I glance behind me and see a figure. It's him. 

Goddess help me. 

Suddenly I am roughly slammed into the concrete wall. 

His black eyes bleed into my soul.

"For every act of torture you inflicted on me," he takes another step towards me. I inch further into the wall. "I will make you suffer twice as much." His voice is like ice.

He raises his arm, pressing the gun to my forehead. The metal is cold against my skin.

He leans closer to my face, lips brushing the hair beside my ear, "you're at my mercy now, Heidi."

"J-just kill me." I stutter out, closing my eyes. 

He laughs. A loud laugh that bounces off of the walls. 

"Death would be too easy." He spits, his words laced with vengeance. 

I hear the clicking footsteps of his henchmen approach him. Where are my guards?

"The car is this way." One of the men grunts. 

Zane grabs a hold of the sleeve of my jacket and drags me along with him. "You're going to get us out of here." He growls in my ear. They push through the exit and I am thrown into the front seat of a blacked out Tahoe. 

It looks brand new and smells of fresh leather. 

Henchman number one starts the car and begins his drive towards the gates. I am supposed to tell them that this man is my 'new boyfriend' and I was giving him and his friends a tour of the place. Zane crouches between the seats so he wont be seen. I swear if the gate keeper buys this load of shit I will personally fire him when I get back. 

We pull up to the gate, a man in a box pokes his head out, looking in the window and meeting my gaze. 

I am sweating. My jacket feels too hot, my throat is dry. Can I even speak. 

Then I feel the gun pressed to my right arm from behind my seat. Like a shock of electricity, I suddenly come alive. 

"Hey-uh this is my new-boy-uh friend yeah just showing him around-I was." I give off a fake giggle. Can the box man not see the fear in my eyes. He simply checks my badge then waves us through. 

What an idiot. 

The gun leaves my shoulder, "Good girl" Zane purrs, getting up from his place on the floorboards in the back seat. The car races down the road at top speed. 

I need an escape. I need an escape. I slowly bring my gaze to my legs. 

Duh, I still had my stun gun! My heart rate picks up. I make slow unsuspicious movements to wrap my trembling fingers around the gun. 

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" I hear Zane from behind me and I freeze solid.

His head pokes between my seat and the driver's seat, his dark eyebrows are furrowed as he studies me. 

1 2 3 GO!

I bring the stun gun up and pull the trigger. He dodges the line of electricity, it hits the henchman next to him in the face. He cries out in pain and anger. My eyes meet Zane's again and he is angry. No he is furious. 

I point the stun gun at his face and go to pull the trigger. I jolt in surprise as the car swerves in the road, the driver yelling. 

I shake my fear off and completely turn around in my seat to meet my enemy. He holds the silver filled pistol to me. This is a battle I am not going to win. 

We both fire at the same time. My electric shot hits him in the neck. The rush of adrenaline waves over me. Did he miss?

I only jolts slightly at the electricity. That's odd? He rips the needle out of his skin, throwing it to the floor mat. 

"I win." He says with an evil grin. 

I furrow my eyebrows. Then I look down to my arm. I've been shot. The bastard really shot me? With silver???

"W-what" I say, gaping at the blood leaking out of my shoulder. It's as if it didn't hurt until I saw it. Pain spreads through my body like a flame. 

"You don't look so good." He chuckles, tilting his head to the side. 

Blood makes me squeamish. 

And then I fall unconscious, hitting the hard plastic arm rest with my head. 

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