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Lucas's POV


I let out a pleasurable purr as my sleep dazed body is awoken is a comforting heat.

I snuggle deeper into the blankets wishing this feeling will last forever.

Unfortunately that can't happen as I feel how achingly full my bladder is as I try to snuggle deeper into the soft blankets.

I give myself an extra couple of minutes soaking in the comforting warmth before pocking my head out of my blanket heap once the ache turns into a shooting pain making me huff in annoyance.

After scanning the area and waiting a moment for something to happening I sluggishly pull my naked body out of the most pleasurable warmth I have ever experienced and making my way over to what looks like a mixture of a sink and a toilet put together.

Debating if I should chance it or not, I decided to risk it as its better than peeing on the floor.

Feeling exhausted my half asleep brain thinks its a good idea to just sit down and release my bladder without a second thought only to yelp out in surprise as a sudden spray of cool water was sprayed up towards my genitals once I was finished.

I stand up feeling really confused and a little violated, especially when my lower region started to feel slightly numb and tingly which led me to assume what was sprayed wasn't water. These thoughts didn't help with the panic that was stating to bubble at the thought of anything happening to my.... area.

The almost silent whooshing sound got rid of any traces of sleep from my fight or flight instincts kicked in making me launched myself into my pile of blankets for safety.

Peaking my head out of my nest of blankets I watched as two identical aliens came to a stop at the glass wall of my cage.

The sack attached to one of the aliens make me believe that theses are the same ones as yesterday or at least the one that gave me food was.

Taking a deep breath of air to calm me down I watched as the one with the sack brought out what looks like a see through tablet as the other one connects something next to my room. I watch as the one from yesterday swipes his hand on the screen towards the glass wall of my cell transferring images onto the glass wall.


Some of the images seem to be moving while the other looks like writing(?) and what looks like self updating symbols?

Hmm maybe numbers?

Taking a closer look at the images my breathing starts to pick up as one of them stands out to me.

The faster the my heart gets the faster the image moves.

i-is that my heart?

Just as I felt the beginning of a panic attack the everything on the screen disappears, leaving the two creatures starting at me.

I awkwardly clear my throat while nervously shifting around as they continue to stare.

Just as my heart heart starts to speed up again the one with the sack makes the same oddly comforting noise as last time, proving my thoughts correct that he is the same one from yesterday.

Ignoring them I start to sink deeper into my pile of blankets.

Not long after I do that the door on my room makes that whooshing noise indicating that someone has just entered my cell.

Hearing shifting noises and something being placed down I couldn't stop my curiosity and made a gape big enough for only one of my eyes to see through.

Not to far from my nest the strange alien from the day before seems to be unpacking things from his sack and placing them down. Flicking my eyes over the the other alien I notice the images are upon the glass wall again.

Tracing my eyes over all the images and symbols that let me believe at least some of them are about me it also means I once again got distracted and let my guard down so when the creature from before let out that same comforting grumble my breath got caught in my throat making me chock on nothing but air.

That seems to panic the alien as he rushes over making the same gravely gurgle as he pulls me into his lap, blankets and all, checking me over to make sure I was ok.

He soothingly rubs my back, never stopping making the comforting noise, until I was finally able to breath properly again.

My entire body was stiff in his arms the entire time hoping he would let me go once I had stopped chocking on nothing, he didn't.

I sway slightly feeling the on comping anxiety with unfortunately let to another panic attack, one i really don't wish to have right now.

Taking a slow and steady breath trying to tell myself that everything was ok and that Mr Alien wasn't going to hurt me. He's has plenty of chances, if he was going to kill me, eat me, whatever he would of done it by now!

I think the lack of air has gone to my brain.

I was startled out of my thought by a large bony hand stroking my hair.

With a shaky breath I mentally prepare myself before slowly turning my head towards him.

The Aliens PetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon