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daddy ciara
omg timmy
guess fucking WHAT

timmy turner
no 🥰

daddy ciara
fuck off
i'm still saying it anyways

timmy turner
i expected nightwing but this
is new

daddy ciara
okay nightwing's ass will
forever be >>>
but i did NOT expect red robin to be
THIS fine

timmy turner
hold your horses there

daddy ciara
ew who says that anymore
what are you a boomer?

timmy turner
okay fuck off 😺🖕
well speaking of red robin, where
did u see him

daddy ciara
i was in my room when the mf fuckin
free falled to his death

timmy turner
what the fuck

daddy ciara
yeah but he's alive
i think
honestly might be dead inside too
im not sure

timmy turner

daddy ciara
ugh ur so dry i wish i had more
friends 💔

timmy turner
okay rude 💔💔

daddy ciara
whatever 🙄🖐

timmy turner
why are you my friend

daddy ciara
friend? ouch okay 😺😺
[ message deleted ]

daddy ciara
bitch ur lucky to be in my presence 🙄

timmy turner
why don't you go back to simping
about red robin

daddy ciara
maybe i WILL

daddy ciara
oh my god
if Red Robin has Nightwing's ass,
he could definitely be on the menu
we can call them vigilante buns oh
my god

timmy turner
how do you even come up with this

daddy ciara
cause i'm creative like that 😗💅
Red Robin should hire me
vigilante AND burger joint

timmy turner
i've regretted many things in my
accidentally texting you is one
of them

daddy ciara
no you don't
cause i'm a savage 🤪
classy 💅 boujee 💍 rachet 🥴
sassy 💃 moody 🥵 NASTY 👅💦

timmy turner
what the absolute FUCK
did you have a stroke midway
texting it

daddy ciara
i did god's work thank you
very much 😗✌️


TIM LAUGHED SOFTLY, A SMILE GRACING HIS FEATURES. He gazed at his phone, chuckling at his friend's antics once more as he read them again. A slight frown made it's way onto his face, the small graceful smile disappearing quickly.


A status he sees Ciara as yet, his feelings said otherwise. Some say it would be foolish to fall for someone you have never met, idiotic a few would say - including his youngest brother. Months felt like years, time always felt like it went by quickly with Ciara. Hearing her laugh through calls sent butterflies on a frenzy in his stomach, her small jokes that were odd yet hilarious to him. It was always the small things that made him feel like, Ciara was more than just a friend to him. His feelings grew day by day with every second he spoke with her.

Yet he could not risk it. After all, bringing Ciara into his world would simply risk him losing her. He wasn't ready to lose anyone else.

"It seems that blackout always manages to bring your condom looking ass here." A familiar feminine voice spoke behind him, breaking him out of his train of thoughts. He turned his head from the ledge, watching 'Jaycee' stand a few meters behind him. A weak smile framed her lips as her face got paler and paler by each night. Her long brown hair, tied into a small bundle.

A gentle smile was sent her way. Tim nodded from the ledge. The girl trudged her way beside Tim, sitting down gently as she gazed over the city. Silence was shared between the two, which Tim did not mind at all as he saw it as something peaceful.

The blackout was happening often lately, Tim wasn't sure why. The rest thinks it might just be a common power outage, yet the big bat didn't feel like it. So everyone was told to keep a bird watch from every sector, making sure no suspicious aftivites happened, He didn't mind at all though. 'Jaycee' had been there to amuse him with her weird thoughts, at most.

Jaycee then broke the silence, a sad smile gracing her pale features. "I overheard the doctors today." She muttered lowly. Tim cocked his head to the side, his curious gaze shielded by his cowl. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared off into the distance. "The meds. They aren't working anymore. Rehab and all, they're not working anymore." A small strain in her voice was heard as she struggled keeping her tears from rolling down her cheeks.

Tim's heart fell. The happiness that grew in his chest disappeared into thin air. His hand landed on the small female's back, rubbing it up and down in comfort. A small humorless, raspy laugh left her lips. Hope no longer sparked in her dull hazel eyes as she stare blankly off the building. "I don't want to die yet." She whispered softly, stray tears rolling down her cheeks freely.

Tim felt guilt welling up in his chest. He knows he can help her. He can help her. Yet if he does, she'll know who he is. It would risk his identity too much.

Tim frowned, opting to try and hug the fragile girl but his comm buzzed. "Red Robin, we found the reason to the blackout. You're the closest to the Joker. I'll send you the location. Oracle, out." His frown deepened. Tim looked at Jaycee who held a smile on her face. She swallowed a lump in her throat, taking a deep breath before speaking. "The city needs you," She hummed. "Go ahead." Tim hesitantly stood up, not before giving Jaycee a small reassuring hug. Jaycee smiled back, strands of hair falling onto her face.

With a final look, Tim shot his grappling hook and swung into the Gotham night.

SAUDADE. chapter ten
by svhltee.

SAUDADE,     tim drakeWhere stories live. Discover now