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Aim, breathe, release.

Those three words played like a broken record on repeat. It was the mantra that was instilled into a young Harper's mind. Three words that she would utter continuously. Every training lesson, every mission, everytime she seeked comfort. She lived by those words, she breathed it in. Those three words became her way of life.

 Those three words became her way of life

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The Green Arrow and Artemis were perched on top of an abandoned warehouse roof. Harper leaned over the railing, her intense gaze glaring at group of criminals loading guns into the back of an unmarked van.

Harper had her eyes trained on the figures. She eyed their movements warily as they handled the weapons delicately. Then again they were worth millions.

Harper peered over the edge. She counted; one, two, seven, ten. How many were there? They were going in blind and Harper didn't like it but she had to trust Oliver. This mission had been one she hadn't been prepared for. Oliver just tossed her her suit and told her to 'gear up', she followed him without question. Now she was instantly regretting it. Harper drew in a sharp breath as she suppressed a wince when her foot moved, a deafening screech echoed as her shoe slid against the metal underneath her. She shut her eyes, praying the criminals below didn't hear.

After a few agonizing seconds she opened her eyes. She blew a sigh of relief when the criminals remained unfazed by her careless mistake. Had they heard...their whole plan would've been compromised.

Oliver looked at the young brunette, he gave her a subtle nod, pulling her attention to him. Harper smiled coyly before  raising her bow, her eyes focused on the man holding a cache of assault rifles. She calmed her breathing, the bow weighing on her hands as she steady herself.

Aim, breathe...release.

The arrow pierced through the air like lighting, impaling the man right in his eye. Blood poured down his face, his stance went as stiff as a board for a few tantalising seconds before he collapsed to the floor with a thud.

" They're here!" One of the men yelled. A collection of guns being cocked sent the two crime fighters into fight mode. Harper felt her whole deamour change.  They jumped off the roof, landing gracefully onto the cement.

Harper wasted no time, notching an arrow and sending it straight into the man's neck. One by one the men fell. They shot at the two vigilantes but they were skilled. Dodging the bullets with ease.

" You have to do better than that assholes!" Harper yelled, sending a swift punch to one of the men. Oliver turned to her, a disapproving look being thrown her way but the amusement in his eyes consoled her that he wasn't really mad at her. He knew she always had a big mouth. He would always tell her to be careful, that her smart mouth would be the reason she ends up dead one day.

The two fought the men side by side, their moves in sync and their hearts beating in tandem. Harper delivered a swift kick to one of the men before she noticed another creeping up on Oliver. " Duck!" she warned not even looking to see if Oliver had heard her before hurling a dagger straight at him.

Oliver turned behind him seeing Harper's dagger buried in the man's chest. He spun around drawing an arrow before letting it fly.

Harper grinned before a bullet nipped at her feet. She grabbed the jacket of one of the gaurds who ran towards her. She spun him around hastily just as a bullet meant for her struck his chest. She let him drop before grabbing her bow and sent an arrow hurtling upwards to where the bullet was shot from. " Couldn't even hit a still target " she chuckled before facing another criminal. " Pathetic"

When the last man hit the ground courtesy of a fatal blow from Oliver did the sirens come, the two heroes quickly made sure none of the men would be getting up anytime soon before disappearing into the night.

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