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Bruce p.o.v:

Tim had ran out of the manor, I knew it wasn't out of frustration due to all the other boys being with me the whole morning. The boys looked at me and all i did was shrugged.

Y/n just said bye as the door closed and i smiled at her. How lucky am I to have kids , even if only if one of them is blood related.

I wonder if this is how Alfred felt when he had to raise me. Watch me grow up and be successful. I wonder if Alfred is proud of me or if hes disipointed in my life choices.

Risking my life to save Gotham everynight. Barley taking time off from Wayne enterprises. Risking my wards and son's life as well.

How cruel is it for a father to make 10 year olds fight dangerous criminals daily. I swear on my life that i will make sure y/n will be safe and not fight beside me or any of the boys either.

However she should know how to defend herself if the time comes where she is in danger and has no one to help her.

I put the rest of that thought in the back of my head and enjoyed what the boys and y/n had planned for us .

      ------(time skip to an hour later)--

Bruce p.o.v still:

We had breakfast the boys insanted on making. Alfred and i sat and talked about how they were gonna mess it up, laughing and connecting with one another once again.

I quickly noticed how disant ive become with the only other father figure I had left. Becoming batman and running my own company has really put me father and father from him.

I missed this and hope to keep him close to me as i can. Ive noticed my mistakes in life now. And I really think its because of me rasing a girl has put me in my place.

-------------------(in the kitchen)-------------------

Dick's p.o.v

We were all pitching in to makung breakfast for all of us. However it was taking longer then we thought. Mostly because Jason woldnt let me cook anything.

"Todd your burning the pancakes" ! Damien yelled at Jason.
"Its not my fault if someone would watch the bacon" Jason shouted back at Damien. "Im not cooking innocent animals"! He yelled.

" i could" i chimed in and both of them yelled "no" inusion.

Y/n giggled while she was coloring Bruce and Alfred photos.

I just slummed my shoulders. And looked at my phone, scrolling through Instagram. Until y/n stood up on her chair and made grabby hands at me.

I put my phone down and licked her up as i held her against my side.
" i wanna help" she plead with us.

The boys stoped and looked at each other for a moment. "Ok y/n, you can" Damien said with a small smile towards his younger sister.

"What"!? I yelled and questioned why the 5 year old can help but not me.
Damien had grabed a bowl and some of her cereal and then milk.

" you can pour Pennyworth and father cereal" Damien told her. She smiled and nodded and wanted down as he set the items on the high marble table top counter.

"Can you handle toast"? Jason asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Duh" i said with a smirk and grabbed the bread loaf out of Jason's hands and went to the toaster.

---------------(to the dinning room)-------------

Bruce p.o.v:

The boys came back in with plates and trays full of food.
They fixed me and Alfred pur plates .

Golden pancakes, bacon, toast and some cereal with my coffee and Alfreds tea. " this looks good" I said amd smiled at y/n.

"Eat your cereal daddy"! Y/n yelled in excietment.
"Alright little bat" I said. I grabbed my spoon and dipped it in the (favorite cereal) and took a bite.

It was soggy, assuming my little bat was to excited to wait to put the cereal in. I continued to eat it a tiny bit more to satisfy y/n.

She smiled and went back to her pancakes and i put the spoon back down and pushed the bowl away from me. And took a bite if my toast while looking at the newspaper.

The crunch of it was heard throught the manor. All eyes on me, i pull the rest of it away from my mouth. The crumbs from in between from the brunt toast in my hand and my mouth fell back down to my plate.

The sound of the hard pieces falling on the plate was also heard. I looked at y/n,  "the toast is a littke crunch little bat" I joked .

Y/n looked up from her plate, bacon filling her mouth and syrup sticking her hair to her face mostly near her mouth and chin.

Alfred had found that assuming.
"Miss y/n , you have much to learn about table manners" Alfred had said to her with a smile.

She finished chewing her food and looked at me confused.
" i didnt make the toast" she said quietly while shaking her head.

At that moment Dick had put his hood on and slid down his chair.
"Grayson you had one job" Damien had said in a rude tone.

"Alright master Damien that's quite enough" Alfred had butted in before could.

"Im just saying someone who can ride a motorcycle, fight with escrima sticks and can beat up cruel people with ease, should know how to work a toaster"  Damien mumbled.

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