20. The Guy In The Red Bucket

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Percy understood who Green Lantern was and she was very much indeed dreading having to 'work' with him, and of course she knew Robin=Tater Tot.
But who in the Styx was Red hood?

By the way Damian's usual scowl deepened she was sure she wasn't going to enjoy his company either.

It had been nearly 10 minutes since they arrived at the location on the tall rundown building across from the other rundown building.
So far Percy was bored, nothing had happened so far besides Green Lantern and Red Hood {What is with having a colour in your superhero name?} trying, and failing, to get more information out of her.
She wasn't quite sure if they were trying to be discreet about it but they just weren't.

Although she had to say, the dude with the red bucket on his head did seem almost familiar.
Is he a demigod? No, he wouldn't have been asking those absurd questions if he was.

For once she wasn't the dumbest one in the group, which was... strange.
Now I know how Annabeth felt.

A pang went through her heart as she realized what she just thought.
Felt. Past tense.

In a pathetic attempt to distract herself she turned to Damian, who was standing by the ledge looking edgy.
"Damian who is he?" Sure the kid was still learning the language but her gesturing towards the red-bucket-loving hero probably helped.

The tiny demon smirked, she could almost see his eyes lighting up with amusement behind his mask.
"He brother." Damian shook his head realizing what he said didn't really make sense. "He is your brother."

For the second time today Percy didn't know what to say as she stared at the small assassin, her mouth opening and closing.

"You okay hot stuff?" The daughter of Poseidon almost gagged as the words left her brothers mouth.
"That is my brother?"


She continued to stare at the wee lad for a bit before shaking her head and mumbling to herself. "Gods no there is already enough incest in my family to make up for generations."


It had been more than an hour since her delightful revaluation, so her brother was still a vigilante?
It made sense, although it was mildly concerning how he seemed just a little trigger happy.
One of his hands seemed to always be resting on either one of his guns, the way he was constantly moving, shifting from foot to foot you could tell he was waiting for the fight.
I thought the big bad bat doesn't like killing...the gun is a weapon for murder.

Her fun little down spiral was cut short as the tiny assassin cleared his throat, effectively gaining her attention.
"Is that a monster?"

Percy peered down onto the street below only to see a seemingly normal looking high school teenage girl, she was pretty with long black hair and dark skin.


"But that's just a normal citiz- wha!" Jason cut off as Riptide hurled herself over the side of the building right towards the supposedly innocent civilian.

Without a moments hesitation The Amazonian drew her sword from her sheath in a smooth motion sliced of the 'person's' head.
Well Bruce is gonna be pissed-
Except the head never hit the sidewalk, instead her whole body combusted into what looked like gold dust.

He and Hal just stared at the chick as she looked down at the pile in disgust. "Goodbye Kelli."

"Did that person just explode?" Jason glanced at the galactic warrior from the corner of his eye. If Hal frickin Jordan thought something was weird, it was weird.
Damian for some strange reason only smirked, seemingly not surprised that the lady that Jason, admittedly, would not be able to pick out from a crowd as a threat, was a monster.
And the demon had managed to notify the monster expert.
He definitely knows something.

Without warning the demon spawn pull out his grappling gun and smoothly landed next to the supposed daughter of Poseidon.

Letting out a quick huff of air Jason double tapped the small device in his ear to notify Bruce that their first monster had arrived.
"Batman Riptide just killed the first boogie. Now is it just me or is it a little strange that you don't let me kill but the second a new Wonder Woman comes alon-"
"That is all Red hood."

He let a small smile form on his face before it quickly turned into a frown as he caught the demon looking up at him with a wide grin on his face.
Does he know something I don't?

Jason shook his head to clear his thoughts. Whatever it was he was sure he would figure it out soon enough, he wouldn't let the demon beat him.

He reluctantly popped out his magazine and inspected the bronze bullets he had been given. Wondering how these could possibly make a monster explode.
At least Bruce gave me my guns back.

His eyes caught movement just a couple blocks away, yet as soon as he looked he almost wished he didn't. "Uh, that's a monster army if I've ever seen one."

Even if the so called monster expert as well as the Justice League were here they were seriously outgunned. And that was not something Jason would like to admit.
They were screwed.

"Wow, this will be easier than I thought it would."
Before he could stop her Riptide charged.
Well she's dead. Sorry Bruce.


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