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Tim woke up the next morning, tucked in comfortably with the blanket wrapped all around him. His brain was in a frozen state, as it usually was the case before him having his morning cup of coffee and for a few seconds he decided whether or not to get up.

Coming to a decision at last, he sat up with a little groan, rubbing his eyes and pushing his messy hair back. And as he stretched his arms out, he suddenly realized that the collar of his shirt was unbuttoned revealing the scar he always kept hidden.

Confusion struck him but then deciding he must have had a nightmare, he shrugged it off closing the buttons and climbed out of the blanket at last. It was usual routine for him, he would often wake up without having an inkling of what had passed last night but with a slight feeling that he must have gone through a nightmare.

Stepping into the toilet, he splashed his face with cold water to wake his senses up and it was then realization struck him hard.

Jason had been there when he had woken up in the middle of a nightmare the previous night.

Knowing that it would be futile to try and remember what had passed last night, he splashed his face with water again to ease his reddened eyes and then brushing his teeth and making sure that he looked better, he stepped out.

Sounds of crockery and light music were coming from the kitchen and as he stepped in the living room that connected with the open kitchen, he saw Evelyn making breakfast. The delicious aroma of coffee wafted through the air and just like a mouse drawn to the scent of cheese, he followed the inviting aroma and settled down on a chair at the breakfast counter.

"Good morning, Evelyn."

She turned to look at him, her warm and lovely smile spreading over her face, "good morning. I hope you slept well."

He smiled back at her, quite used to by then to disguise whatever he had been going through, "yeah, I slept so soundly that it seemed as if someone had actually knocked me out. By the way, where's Jason?"

He was looking around but couldn't find Jay and that seemed an oddity and besides he also knew Jay didn't let Eve do any of the kitchen work since she was supposed to take care of her eyes and not remain in heat for longer time periods. But judging by the fact that she was making breakfast and not him, Tim thought Jay must have been asleep or out.

"I don't know," she replied, placing a cup of frothing coffee in front of him which he gratefully accepted, "he has probably gone somewhere, he'll be back soon."

"Oh," he nodded, taking a deep gulp from his cup, "God bless you, Evelyn, this coffee is like heaven..."

She laughed lightly, "oh come on... I bet you imagine heaven as a place with flowing rivers of coffee instead of milk."

"Ah, paradise... Yes, that's a very very nice thing to imagine," he replied, blue eyes glassing over dreamily until Eve shook him slightly, laughing herself.

"Look at you, fantasizing about coffee in almost everything."

"Hey, it's not my fault. You made me picture it but I'm actually grateful you did. I'll think about this before I go to sleep each night so that I get happier dreams," the words passed him in a rush and though a slight trace of uncertainty had crossed his tone for a second, he managed to cover it up well with his bright smile.

The main door was pushed open and the two turned to see Jason stepping in, pocketing his keys as he closed the door behind him. Exhaustion was dripping from each features of his and his clothes looked damp as if he had stayed out in the rain for a long time.

"Morning, Jay," Eve called out and he looked up startled as he hadn't noticed that they were already awake. His eyes settled on Tim immediately but Tim tore his gaze away, focusing on the plate of sandwiches Eve had given him.

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