
Anyone play Helldivers 2? What are your thoughts on the recent controversy and the nerfs?


One thing has occurred to me whilst I've been keeping a buddy of mine company during their first playthrough of RDR2. And this specifically happens during the start of Chapter 6. 
          (Spoilers to those of you who may not have played nor reached this point in the game, do not continue reading!)
          When Arthur starts to have his worst coughing fit from TB, as the doctor is diagnosing him, I'd noticed how the good doctor stops himself when he tells Arthur how it's a progressive disease. 
          "It's a progressive disease. You'll be... Well the best thing is rest and..." 
          That specific bit is intriguing to me because it's like the doctor already sees how sad Arthur looks, and he decides not to tell him how long until he'll die, because Arthur now realises he's a dead man and regardless whether he's told how long he's got or not; he's changed, now becoming a good man who's still fighting 'til the very end, wanting to do the right thing.


A new idea's crossed my mind, Red Dead related (since I've kinda been getting back into it lately) and I've made a decision to try write something while I have the motivation.


@DeeNOss Sounds interesting! I'd love to see what you come up with!


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It really is a struggle being an introvert. In my case, I talk too little and my mates think something’s wrong with me, but if I talk too much, I say random shit and end up getting in trouble for it. Idk how to be in the middle  


@ DeeNOss  I don't know if you want advice or something, but I want to do it. So, maybe what you could do is write down in a piece of paper how you feel about that, how you feel in both situations, in retrospective, before it happens. Then after you're done writing that, ask yourself why do you think your friends do that, then ask yourself why do you do that. Maybe, it helps, maybe it won't. I don't know. It's different for each person. Either way, I hope it helps one way or another


Greetings, friends! 
          First and foremost, apologies for my prolonged absence. I've been taking some time to myself; bit of a break from writing and trying to focus on a few studies to get myself a new job, which is still ongoing if you're curious. 
          Besides working at my current job, things have been a bit rocky for me, regarding mental health and such. I won't go on or anything but I hope you understand the necessary precautions I've taken to ensure I don't lose my mind aha 
          Been doing some gaming and such, spending more time with my mates and just building new friendships with new people and mates of mates. 
          Recently, I've been making a bit of progress on a new story or two, which I fully intend to start writing and publishing the entire story. No more of this publishing stories that I'll end up losing motivation to work on bs. So if any of you who are new or still catching up on some of my old stories, don't be surprised if I unpublish some, two of which I have already (I think it was two?). 
          The story I'm currently working on has been something I've been meaning to do for the longest time and I hope this doesn't disappoint. This one will deviate from the story of the thing it's based on, so let's hope I don't fk this one up. I also have another story that I thought would do well being uploaded on Tumblr but I guessed that I could also try upload it here, even if it feels like Wattpad is dying. 
          Once again, my sincerest apologies for my absence, and I hope I can get you guys back into my stuff as soon as possible, but that won't be anytime soon, maybe in the next few months or so? 
          I wish you all the very best and enjoy the rest or the start of your days :D


Take ur time king! That one guy didn’t paint the Mona Lisa in a day. 


@DeeNOss Have you ever thought of having your own Discord server? Or maybe, a Discord chat? Just in case Wattpad really removed Private Messages on May 6th?
          P.S. What's your Discord account?


@johnat101ips-1 I can probably make one but I doubt it would be worth populating


Hello, how are you?


@ DeeNOss unfortunately I do lol. I think it's a great job, as long as you like what you're doing, that is


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@Ell3sar shit you got a long way to go then. just working in an rsl. nothing fancy


@ DeeNOss a year and a half. As long as I passed them all and don't have to go through some of them again lol. Do you mind if I ask on what job are you working?


@DeeNOss Is there a chance you'll continue The Man With The Silver Gun anytime soon? Or will u have it scrapped instead?


@DeeNOss I really hope it continues. Take your time mate.


I'm so keen for the new Indiana Jones game. It looks amazing and Troy Baker is gonna nail the role as Indy. At least they made Indy look like Harrison Ford and sound somewhat close to him. It's totally understandable why they made it first person, so it's not compared to Uncharted and Tomb Raider, but I think it's going to be incredible. I haven't even played the Lego Indiana Jones game since I was a little kid, so this is going to be awesome!