
Getting my Doctor Who fic I've been working on for literal years finally posted and then having Doctor Who once more removed from all streaming sites in Canada might just be life's cruelest trick yet


@pseudonym-lux youtube has them for a dollar or two an episode. all seasons are there.


In honour of Star Wars Day (and May the Fourth be with you, of course), I decided to finally restart Rebels and properly watch it since I only got a few episodes into it for various reasons and never got around to picking it back up. I've only watched two episodes and I'm in love with Ezra Bridger all over again.....


Are you coming back to finish Stefan story?


Seeing as it's not marked as discontinued, yes, I will be continuing it. But I also have a life outside of wattpad with a job that comes first and since Oblivion is a collaboration with a friend who is finishing up her final year of university, school was her first priority. Updates will come when we are both able to write


Well apparently they're getting rid of PM's.... dumb move thats only gonna drive people off the app since we'll have to find other ways to communicate but uh I guess if you really need to contact me privately (cause obviously not everyone wants to post their conversations where just anyone can read it) then my insta is pseudonym_lux.wp and my other wp socials are linked in the card in my bio. I hope they take back this decision but yeah.... that's where you can reach me now, I guess


It's such a pointless decision? I mean, this is supposed to be a community where authors/readers can communicate with each other and now they're removing that exact feature?? So dumb.



So. It's been two months since I posted that I was taking some time off because of my great aunt. Obviously I've been on Wattpad, I posted a couple things on my mb. I did log out for a while as I said I would but then, you know, I missed being able to reread comments and old drafts, stuff that always raised my mood. Anyways, for those that care to know, I am sad to report that my great aunt did pass away about a week and a half after I posted. Yes, Christmas was emotional this year but it was also good. I got a beautiful necklace that contains some of my great aunt's ashes that I now wear at all times.
          I will be posting again, I have a couple things I would like to post that will be coming in the next couple of days but after that, I cannot guarantee updates will be any kind of regular as on top of the last two months being a lot emotionally, I have been sick for the last two weeks.
          Thank you for the support I've received and, as I noticed  a few new followers in the last two months, hello, sorry you came at such a sad time. Special shout out to Daniella and Rea (@void-daniella and @dunbonnet) for being there for me through the whole thing, I don't think I would have made it through the last two months without you guys to lift my spirits.
          Sorry this was long. Glad to be back.