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Chapter 121:
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Ye Sui is going to attend a product launch today. This is the first time that Ye Sui has stood in front of the media after the news that Ye Sui and Shen’s family have been involved.

Dai Zhi has already mentioned it with Ye Sui. Although the news has been suppressed on the Internet, the media loves to catch up with the wind and will definitely ask questions without hesitation.

At this time, Ye Sui stood on the stage, and the audience was filled with media. They held their cameras in their hands, and the shutter kept pressing, and the "beep" sounded one after another.

The media looked at Ye Sui's gaze, and they all took the gossip heart. The Lord is standing on the stage, how can they let go of this opportunity.

When the media asked questions, no one was going to ask about the products of Ye Sui's endorsement. The attention of the media was all placed on the things of Ye Sui and Shen.

"Miss Ye Sui, is it true that you and Shen’s son are true?"

"Everyone else said that your resources are for you, is this true?"

"You have changed so much since you debuted, is it because there is a backing?"

No matter how sharp the questions asked by the media, there is no change in the appearance of Ye Sui, and she always maintains a decent smile.

At this time, Dai Zhi spoke up: "Ye Sui does not answer anything about Shen's family."

At the moment, they were quiet. They all knew that Dai Zhi was a gold medal agent, Dai Zhi and Ye Sui were Hua Rui. Even if they are curious, they dare not be openly opposed to Huarui.

The media began to ask about the product, Ye Sui picked up the microphone and answered them one by one.

The press conference is coming to an end. At this time, a reporter throws a question: "Miss Ye Sui, what is your mate selection criteria?"

This question did not involve Shen Jia, and Dai Zhi did not stop the person.

At this moment, the air seems to be silent. Regardless of whether Ye Sui is involved with Shen Jia, it is undeniable that Ye Sui is a young and beautiful person with a promising future.

Recently, Ye Sui has a strong head and has become a new trend in the entertainment industry. So, what kind of person, such as Ye Sui, is what her mind is like?

Everyone is waiting for Ye Sui's answer.

After Ye Sui heard this question, her eyes began to outline the appearance of the statement.

Dark eyes, straight nose, thin lips just right. She has never seen anyone who is more handsome than him.

However, what made her heart is far from his face.

She likes to say that he treats himself forever and sincerely and without reservation. What he thinks and thinks in his heart is always himself.

How lucky she is, she can be with him for a lifetime.

It is good to say that one hundred thousandth is so good that she can't describe it in words. If she wants to describe it in detail, I am afraid she will not finish it for a few days and nights.

Thousands of thoughts passed over Ye Sui's mind, and Ye Sui opened his mouth and prepared to answer.

Shen Shu sat in Huarui, he also clicked on the video of the conference and saw the reporter's question to Ye Sui. At this time, he saw the leaves and lips curled up and opened his mouth.