Chapter 1

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To be completely honest, Tim really didn't want to be there.

It was hard, but he resisted the urge to stretch out his taut muscles and shifted his weight in the chair instead. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the others doing the same. He shut his eyes tightly before opening them again in an attempt at removing his drowsiness and resumed staring blankly at the screen.

"...particularly beneficial for the children and people who..."

The presenter waffled on, going into another tangent and consequently boring Tim to bits. He inwardly groaned, wishing the speaker would hurry up. Leave it to Bruce to make him do stuff he didn't want to do himself. He was so going to get back at him.

Business meetings at best were short and sharp, but this meeting seemed to drag on forever. It was obviously a stupid proposition to invest in, but Tim remained quiet out of politeness. After all, they were in a pretty big partnership with Wayne Enterprises so good pretenses had to be maintained. In all honesty, the idea wasn't that bad, but Tim reckoned that they hadn't had enough time to finalize and fix some gaping holes in the plan. It was still a long way off from being worth the investment though. But it did have potential. Perhaps a future meeting would confirm this... Not that Tim was going to willingly let himself sit another three hours with these people.

He refocused his attention on the presentation and sighed quietly, wondering if there'd be anything interesting that day. He mused with the idea of texting someone to call him so that he could leave the meeting early, but decided against it, knowing that he'd used that excuse way too many times (seven times in the last three days seemed a little too excessive, even by his standards). A bird flew by the window and Tim's eyes lazily traced it's path. Perhaps he could-


Tim was jerked out of his thoughts by someone clearing their throat pointedly in his direction. Everyone stared at him and he awkwardly shifted in his seat again. He knew that most of the people in the room were scoffing at him behind their polite smiles. After all, only someone like Brucie would leave a 16 year old in charge instead of coming in himself. Tim knew that most of them were doubting his ability, but that was because they'd never met him before. But as normal, that was going to change.

"Right," he started. Well, the faster he did this, the sooner he could get out, right?


Sadly enough, nothing interesting happened the entire day, save for Damien beating up a classmate at school. But since Tim wasn't there to witness the one sided fight personally, he didn't count it as interesting. Besides, Damien got into fights all the time despite warnings from both Dick and Bruce. Tim honestly didn't care though. As long as it didn't affect him, what Damien got up to really wasn't his problem.

Speaking of Damien, he seemed to be eager to let out his anger at being lectured on the criminals and low lives of Gotham. Too bad it was a quiet night. Tim shook his head, glad that at least he wasn't dealing with Damien by himself. Not that Jason really helped in any shape or form. Take that back, he was probably more likely to start a fight than prevent it.

They'd been staking out an abandoned building block near the docks of Gotham after receiving intel from Oracle about a potential drug deal going on. So far, the brothers hadn't seen a single soul enter or exit the building, save for a stray cat which ran off into a dark alley. Tim had watched in slight amusement as he watched Damien's eyes grow soft as they followed the cat. It was brief moments like these that reminded Tim that Damien was, at his core, still a kid. Tim sat back and leaned his head on his arm, slowly blinking behind his mask as he peered through the windows from his vantage point. Jason shifted from beside him, suddenly standing up and stretching his limbs.

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