Chapter 19

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Tim narrowed his eyes at Peter from behind his mask as they stood face to face in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

As he'd intended, there was a huge turnout at the event. Enough so that the crowds had blocked off the road surrounding Avengers Tower and news crews to gather. Well, he did invite the whole world to come watch their fight, so it was kind of expected. Besides, the more coverage, the better... right? He really hoped that his brothers would be able to find him from all this. He'd really given up alot to be there.

Especially now that the Avengers and SHEILD were going to hound him after this match...

Tim really didn't know how he'd persuaded them to hold off the questioning until after their fight, but here he was, facing Spiderman head on with SHEILD agents around the perimeter to grab him as soon as they were done. The tension was thick in the air, the crowds restless and shouting at him.

He couldn't tell whether they were insults or encouragements, but he didn't care. He closed his eyes, gathering his thoughts before opening them again and nodding at Peter.

He turned around and addressed the crowd.

"Thank you everyone for coming!" He yelled, sending a charming grin over at the news camera pointed at his face. The crowd slightly quietened down. Tim hadn't felt this uncomfortable in a while, but persisted. "We'll get this started quickly, but I'd like to once again say that it's been a pleasure patrolling this city, lets see if Spiderman is good enough to take on this city's worst by himself."

He could vaguely sense Peter rolling his eyes from the other side before they both got into fighting stances, ready to begin. They moved closer and began circling each other. Tim focused, the outside noises fading away until it was only Peter and him.

He purposefully left his left flank open, tempting Peter to take the offensive first.

Suddenly, Peter lunged, shouting something and tackling him in the midriff? Tim was taken aback for a second and his eyes widened fractionally, but his instincts immediately kicked in, making him step back and elbow Peter's back before using his momentum and positioning his arm under Peter's neck to flip him over to the side... only to be tackled himself by another figure from behind.

Tim tucked his head in and tumble-turned forwards along with the momentum from falling, making his perpetrator lose their grip and fall over. He swivelled around immediately, assuming another, more guarded fighting stance.

Tim gasped.

He stared in disbelief with his jaw slack as Jason rolled his sore wrists whilst groaning as he got up slowly.

"I told you to wait until after they were done!"

Tim turned around so quickly, he thought he got whiplash. Dick landed from his grappling rope gracefully walking towards them. Peter, meanwhile, was getting cautiously to his feet, unsure of what was happening.

"Well, I do what I fucking want Dickhead."

"That doesn't mean do everything I say not to do!"

"I'm surrounded by imbeciles."

Damien was lingering at the side, his arms crossed and sword on his back. Tim still couldn't believe it. They'd come... They'd really come.

He felt the hotness behind his eyes as the tears made their appearance behind his mask. He looked at his bickering brothers again before quietly sniffling. Unfortunately Jason noticed.

"Wait, RR you crying?"

"W-what? No!" Tim's voice cracked a little as he stepped back slightly. He cleared his throat. "No, don't be ridiculous."

Dick came towards him, smiling widely and hugging him tightly before letting go. "Aww, Hood, lay off him."

Damien tutted from behind them, but moved closer, laying his small gloved hand on Tim's shoulder. Jason rolled his eyes from under his helmet but also moved over, shoving Dick over and ruffling Tim's hair.

The SHIELD agents in the crowd moved closer to them and Damien, with his heightened senses from staying with the league of assassins, narrowed his eyes. He could hear the clunking of guns and ammunition from under their clothes that were no doubt padded armour and leapt straight into action as soon as he spotted one of them pulling out a gun. He growled almost ferally as he leapt at the agents with his sword unsheathed.

Dick and Jason were also quick to cut to the chase, breaking apart as the agents came at them more aggressively, seeing Damien's attack. It happened so quickly, Tim was unable to register what was happening.

He tried to stop them, yelling, but was not loud enough for people to hear him properly. It was obvious that his brothers assumed that the agents were there to take Tim away from them and the agents, the same.

"Wait everyone stop!" Tim frantically, looked around back and forth as Damien landed on another poor victim and Dick give another flying kick with a flare at another agent. Jason was laughing as he pulled his guns from his holsters.

"Wha- Jay, NO!" Tim tackled Jason to the ground. Jason's opponent who was running at him fell over their legs, not seeing Tim coming to knock Jason over. Jason immediately set a steel tipped boot into the guy's head, knocking him out.

"What the fuck Red?" He fumed.

"We have to get everyone to stop fighting!" Tim shouted back over the noise.

"Hot damn we fucked up again?!"

Jason got to his feet, dusting himself off before raising his gun to the sky and shooting off several rounds above everyone's heads while shouting at the top of his lungs. Tim felt like his ear was going to fall off from the loudness.


Most of the people around them stopped momentarily, shocked at the noise. Jason picked up the unconscious agent from the ground, holding the gun next to his head.

"What are you doing?" Tim whisper shouted.

Jason ignored him.


The fighting stopped with Dick and Damien knocking out their opponents. Dick narrowed his eyes at Jason while Damien smiled evilly.


The SHIELD agents complied and Jason let go of his hostage.

"Okay, so apparently we don't have to fight you guys. Our bad. Um let's talk civilly and shit." He also dropped his gun.

Tim shook his head, wanting to just disappear.

Peter turned around to the remaining people in the crowd.

"Um okay. I think the fight is called off? Uh, yeah. Please go home."

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