Chapter 6

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Tim shifted on the metal seat he was strapped to.

After being escorted to an interrogation room at gunpoint with at least twenty soldiers around him, he'd been locked in this godforsaken uncomfortable chair. Currently he was waiting for the interrogator to enter the room. Apparently, eyepatch dude wasn't going to be questioning him which was weird because Tim suspected that he had a higher positioned rank. But oh well.

The interrogation room itself was nothing special. On the table was the usual recording equipment and a portion of the wall on Tim's right was undoubtedly a one sided window.

The only thing remotely weird was the freaking chair he was locked into. Tim had never sat on a more poorly designed chair than this. The bottom and back were at perfect right angles and there was not a rounded corner in sight. Not to mention that the whole thing was metal and bolted to the ground at an awkward distance from the table so that it felt like you wanted to constantly move the chair inwards by a centimeter. He honestly didn't mind getting interrogated because at least he had experience with that, but this chair...

Tim's mind shot back to the present as the metal door opened to reveal a blonde man decked in patriotic colors. He looked a little hesitant, but smiled warmly and sat down opposite to Tim, gingerly placing the papers he was holding on the table. Tim was vaguely reminded of Superman with the colour scheme and the general vibe of 'nice guy' coming from this guy. He remained neutral, pushing down the impulse to ask who the heck designed these chairs.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm just here to ask you some questions and I'd like it if you answered truthfully. We don't mean to harm you unless you ask for it."

Tim squinted, but nodded along. This seemed awfully familiar. He wondered if this man would also storm out of the room like the lady had done before.

"Would you mind telling me your name?"

Tim shrugged. "Red Robin, but I've already told you guys that. A little bit of a blow to my ego, but I guess that's just that." He looked back at the man in front of him. "Um... who are you supposed to be?"

The blond man looked confused. "What do you mean? Don't you know who I am?"

"No..?" Tim's statement came out more like a question. Should he know who he was speaking to? He hadn't seen this guy in his life before. The dude cleared his throat.

"I'm Steve Rogers, Captain America." Nope, no idea.

Tim nodded politely, confusion still evident on his face. "Ok."

"You know, part of the Avengers? Fought in World War Two?"

Tim forced an understanding smile on his face, barely masking his confusion. World War Two? How old is this guy? What was the Avengers? He was playing along for now. He had enough of Two Face's schizophrenia to know that even bad guys could act good sometimes. He definitely didn't want to piss this guy off just yet when he could get information out of him.

There was a moment of awkward silence, before Steve cleared his throat again. "I'm going to call you 'Robin', is that okay?"

Tim shrugged again, frowning slightly. This man didn't seem to know of Robin which was more than slightly concerning. Tim was sure that with a name like 'Captain America', he would have at least heard of the Dynamic Duo. Red Robin was relatively new, but Robin was over half a decade old. Surely, everyone knew of Robin, particularly if they lived in America. Unless...

Tim suddenly felt uneasy as everything seemed to fit into place despite not wanting to admit it. No, it wasn't certain yet, there was no conclusive evidence. It couldn't be, right?

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