26- panic

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Sobs racked you me entire body as you were comforted by your father, he held you as right as he could to his chest, hoping that you would ease and and let it all out. You had promised yourself that you would stand up to her, or run away, which would prove a point too, but you just... froze... gosh your such an idiot! You should've let her have it! Just screamed at her! Rain hellfire on her life! That clearly isn't going to happen. So here we are, you sobbing in your fathers chest. Badabing badaboom badabam.

"Sugar, it'll all be okay, just let it alllllll out" he soothed, his golden eyes scanning your tear-covered face as you clutched yourself closer to him. He bounced his leg slightly and rubbed your back in long, slow, circles. you were too immersed in your panic at the moment, and so you hadn't noticed the quick walking away from the bloody scene he knew was to come in the future. His brothers were very different, one a doctor, one a business owner with a few psychopathic tendencies. One thing to know, above all else, is that Xavier could be extremely cruel if he wanted to be.

"I-iim sorry I d-dont know h-how sh-she is h-here" you stuttered or, your lip quivered completely, and you words came out shaky and breathless. Your heart felt like it was going to just pound out of your chest, and the pressure of the precious's happenings hit you like a train as the realization truly dawned on you. You let her do that, you let her hurt you, you were useless,

But They saved you from her

"No no, don't think about her baby, just think about you okay? Are you feeling okay, you could go to bed early today if you want? You probably feel icky and gross, don't worry baby, just let yourself go, mmm hmm cuddle closer to me okay?" The large man continued with his attempted comforting, he used the tricks that Zane had tried to show him just the other day, stroking your lower back to calm you down. And cooing to you, although he hated that you were so scared right then, it was nice to have you so close to him.

His shushing continued for almost an hour, he had found the convienently placed armchair in front of one of the matching banisters, and was holding you sobbing figure while rocking back and forth, until you sons had shushed down to whimpers, and eventually, tired form all the crying, you (unwillingly) fell unconscious. Going full ass rag doll in this mans arms, just like , dead, but not actually dead.

"Sugar, I'm so sorry that happened to you, she'll pay I promise"

He carried your sleeping figure away from the autimin, and decided to let you sleep, you were just catching up on the literal years of sleep you missed in your childhood. What? Hi ugh slept quite a lot though, and even though you did look positively adorable with the foment loom you kept in your face when you slept, you couldn't be unconscious 75% of the day, this was the first time realizing this for your father.

he arrives at the navy blue door that belonged to one of his nephews , and kicked it open slightly with his foot, announcing to the young men toting next to eachother playing chess,

"Hello, I have one little girl in the need of a napping area, she's going to stay here while I help down in the basement"

————————police station————————-

"Well what I'm trying to say is that her home life clearly wasn't great at all, considering the bruises and scars, and then the flinching at loud noises and sudden movements, how old did you say she was? Fifteen, right. It's hard to think about, but that's the average age that young girls get sold in human trafficking rings, we have a search warrant though, so we are completely feee to go in her house at any time" officer erens asisstant read through his papers,
Marking of things as he read through the files that were on papers to the group.

Others were on their newly replenished devices, the overall decision was to use mainly pen and paper to document the research, no one knew who was fucking with the memory cards on their technology, but someone was doing, and there was no way in all heaven and hell that it was coincidental.

"Then let's go" oikawa spoke, standing up swiftly, this was probably the most interesting case he had ever gotten in his 12 years of being a cop, there were just so many... blank spaces, he could tell it was either going to be the stupidest case where they iveranalyze to much and come to a completely wrong conclusion, or it's gonna be really fucked up, either way, he was the one solving it.

The few who were listening to the droning in assistant were startled at the sudden outburst of the officer, isn't it completely to early to commit to a search? They could blow the whole thing!

"Hold on, what? We can't just barge in there?!" Eren exhaled loudly, visibly annoyed by his officer friends rash behavior, meanwhile ms Kim was silently agreeing with officer oikawa, she was still slightly worried about her... conflicting past, and the fact that this entire case could be based solely on that, withuu or t the knowing of the private investigators.

"Hell yes we can, let's go!!"

they ended up going after much convining from the enthusiastic officer, it was considered that there could be a rag amongst the inbestegation team, so the two main officers, plus ms Kim, is all that went there. Fully decked out in tasers and small handguns that could definitely do lots of harm on a resisting subject.

"So... who wants to knock on the door?" Oikawa questioned in an awkward stance, he looked stupid, immensely stupid, but I guess that's customary for a bundle of trash, back to the story, he stood with his lips pressed flatly together in front of the old beat up home that was recognized as your house. Eren shoved his way in front of the two people, to be met with a hole in the wall where a doorbell would usually be, so instead he took a more aggressive approach, pounding in the door intensely.

" (hometown) police, open up this door! We have a search warrant and are compel key abke to look around the place!" He yelled, hearing nothing in return but rustling, ns so he knew that there was definintly someone in the , if he had to force them out, is be it.

"I repeat, we are legally aloud to mock down this door and search your estate, please be civil and open it before I do it myself!" He reatated, to which he just heard more shuffling around the house; before listening in to the sound of someone falling in the floor, making the noise a coconut would make when it hits the flood. A string of curses exited a mans mouth from inside the house, alerting the police further of his presence.

"Goddamn cops, ruining my life"

No authors note today, have a gear day! :)

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